Municipal enforcement service (Rhineland-Palatinate)

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Municipal enforcement service ( KVD ) is a collective term in Rhineland-Palatinate for the uniformed enforcement service of the regulatory authority , which is usually located at the regulatory office of the municipality.


The respective municipality is responsible for equipping and uniforming the municipal enforcement officers in Rhineland-Palatinate. In most cases the equipment consists of the following:

- Uniform based on that of the national police

- Shot or stab-proof vest

- Mission belt

- Briefly extendable baton (EKA) (baton)

- Irritant sprayer

- handcuffs (handcuffs)

- flashlight


The powers of the municipal enforcement officers in Rhineland-Palatinate are based on the Police and Regulatory Authorities Act Rhineland-Palatinate ( POG RLP )


The state-wide training for the municipal enforcement service takes place at the State Police School Rhineland-Palatinate and has had a modular structure since 2016.

Among other things, general administrative law, police law and regulatory law, special administrative and regulatory law, right of intervention, administrative offense law and criminal law, traffic law, public service law and apprenticeship training, psychology as well as operational and situation training are taught here.


The KVD is responsible for averting danger and maintaining public safety and order. This includes the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses such as B. Disturbances, nuisance to the general public, control of compliance with the municipal statutes and ordinances (field / path statutes, street cleaning statutes, hazard prevention ordinance and much more)

In urban districts, the municipal enforcement service is responsible for the transfer of mentally ill people and, if the relevant requirements according to PsychKG are met, takes over the delivery of mentally ill people to the responsible facilities. In all other municipalities, the authority responsible for this is the respective district administration.

Local law enforcement officers are authorized its legitimate activities with forced d. H. under certain circumstances to enforce against people with violence.

When punishing administrative offenses, local law enforcement officers act according to the so-called opportunity principle . You can prosecute administrative offenses at your own discretion .

In larger cities and municipalities, there is a separation between the municipal enforcement service and traffic monitoring, here the enforcement officers are not primarily responsible for controlling stationary or moving traffic. In smaller municipalities, the municipal enforcement officers are often also auxiliary police officers and are therefore responsible for controlling stationary traffic.

Legal Status

Municipal law enforcement officers are employees or civil servants at the respective municipality. After passing the examination at the state police school, they can be appointed and empowered by the mayor of the municipality.