Communist Youth Association of Germany (1970s)

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The Communist Youth Association of Germany (KJVD) was the youth association of the KPD (AO) , which was founded on July 9, 1972 initially under the name "Communist Youth Association"; the renaming took place in 1975 after the youth association of the KPD / ML -ZB , which was also called KJVD , had been dissolved together with its parent party. The statute of the KJVD was published in 1976. Its central organ was the magazine " Kämpfende Jugend ", which was published as a monthly magazine from the end of 1975.

Organizationally, the KJVD was led at the federal level by the Central Committee , headed by the "Standing Committee". The Central Committee had its seat initially in Dortmund , since 1975 in Cologne at the seat of the party headquarters of the KPD (AO). Regional committees in the individual federal states led the work of the individual cells as basic organizations of the KJVD, which were primarily set up in large companies and Bundeswehr barracks . Individual members and sympathizers were prosecuted for their political work in the barracks for undermining military strength .

The KJVD fought the Vocational Training Act and supported broadly the fight against the trade union incompatibility rulings against union exclusions and prohibitions . Together with the KPD (AO) and the League against Imperialism , the youth association supported the anti-imperialist liberation struggle of the peoples of the Third World , u. a. in the Middle East, Africa, South America, East Timor and Indochina. Hundreds of Vietnam committees supported the liberation struggle of the Vietnamese people (under the slogan "Victory in People's War") up to the liberation of Vietnam on May 1, 1975 with demonstrations, actions such as the Bonn city hall occupation on April 10, 1973, events and fundraising.

The first ordinary delegates' conference of the KJVD was held in 1975.

After the dissolution of the Communist High School Students Association in 1975, the KJVD also organized communist work among schoolchildren ("Schoolchildren, organize yourselves in the main school cells of the KJV!", KJ of March 5, 1975). The KJVD held youth camps during the holidays and , since 1976, also pioneer camps. From 1976 the KJVD supported the founding of red workers' sports clubs ("Rebuilding the Red Sports Front!", KJ 1976, No. 3, p. 14); its members and sympathizers took part in the Werner-Seelenbinder-Sportfest Easter 1976 in Cologne. In 1977 the organization had about 400 members.

At the beginning of the 1980s, the KJVD was dissolved in connection with the self-dissolution of the KPD (AO).

Related organizations


  • Fighting Youth, Cologne, January 8, 1975
  • Fighting Youth, Cologne, March 5, 1975
  • Fighting Youth, Cologne, May 28, 1975
  • Fighting youth, Cologne, June 11, 1975
  • Fighting Youth, Cologne, November 25, 1975
  • Fighting Youth, Cologne, No. 1 from 1976
  • Fighting Youth, Cologne, No. 3 from 1976
  • Fighting Youth, Cologne, No. 5 from 1976
  • Fighting Youth, Cologne, No. 9 from 1976
  • Rote Fahne, Cologne, December 13, 1979
  • Rote Fahne, Cologne, February 21, 1980


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