Communist student association

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The Communist Student Association (KSV) was the student association of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD / AO or KPD) from 1971 to 1980 .

The first members of the KSV came from the red cells that had formed in the course of 1969 and were won through the work of the parliamentary group of the student commission of the KPD / AO. In West Berlin these included Rotzeg in the German Studies department, Rotzjur in the Faculty of Law, Rotzmat in the Mathematics department, Rotzmed in the medical department and Rotzök in the economics department of the Free University of Berlin and Rotzing at the Technical University.


Organizationally, the KSV was managed at the federal level by the “Central Management”, headed by a secretariat. Regional committees in the individual federal states directed the work of the various university managements of the KSV. The basic organization of the KSV was the department cell.

The members of the KSV were communist cadres who had subordinated themselves to the primacy of politics :

“Communist cadres must be willing to fight for communism all their lives, be determined not to shy away from sacrifices and overcome all difficulties in order to achieve victory...
Every communist cadre must be able to take short-term action To seize the security of the party organization and to carry it out carefully ... This also means that every cadre puts himself in a position to repel attacks on himself and on other comrades with the appropriate means. "

The sympathizers of the KSV were trained at sympathizers meetings of the respective KSV cell and included in the political work of the KSV cell.

Leading functionaries of the KSV were also members of the KPD / AO and KPD.

At the Free University of Berlin, there were cells in the departments of German, Romance Studies, Economics, Political Science, Law, Medicine, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Educational Sciences, Biology, English Studies, Sociology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine and History.

At the University of Munich there were cells in the newspaper scientists, German scholars, doctors, lawyers, chemists and economists.

At the Ruhr University in Bochum, the KSV had cells among German students, foreign language students, medical students, mathematicians and physicists, economists, lawyers and social scientists.

At the University of Bonn the KSV was represented with cells among the doctors, the lawyers, the economists, the psychologists, the Germanists, the natural scientists and the foreign language speakers.


Communist student press of the German Studies Cell at the Free University of West Berlin from April 1972

The KSV published the magazine "Dem Volke Dienen" as its central organ, which was discontinued in 1978. From 1973 the scientific journal "Wissenschaft im Klassenkampf" appeared. It was published by Rote Presse Korrespondenz, Dortmund. The magazine was published by the agitation and propaganda department of the central management of the KSV. Editing and sales were initially in Dortmund, and later at the headquarters of the KSV's central management in Cologne. At cell level, departmental magazines (“Communist Student Press”) and leaflets that were distributed free of charge appeared irregularly.

The KSV was at times represented nationwide; However, he had his greatest influence at the West Berlin universities and technical colleges.

In the mid- 1970s , the KSV was represented in West Berlin with cells in many departments of the Free University (FU), Technical University (TU), University of Education (PH), Technical University of Applied Sciences (TFH) and University of Applied Sciences for Business (FHW).

The most important political statements of the KSV were the "Theses of the KPD structural organization for work at the universities" (RPK, No. 63), the "Theses of the student commission of the KPD structural organization for the establishment of the Communist Student Union" (RPK, No. 88) , the "Accountability Report of the ZL to the 1st Conference of Delegates of the KSV" (RPK, No. 186/187/188 of 1972), the "Accountability Report and Political Resolution of the 2nd Ordinary Conference of Delegates" 1974 and the "Results of the 3rd Conference of Delegates" 1979 (RF of June 21, 1979).

Political goals

The guiding principle of the KSV was the revolutionary principle of " Serving the People ", which meant " to wrest the student masses from the influence of the bourgeoisie ... for practical participation in the struggle of the working class for socialism under the leadership of the KPD, for the radical break with the bourgeoisie and the transfer to the camp of the revolutionary proletariat , to win over the re-education along the lines of the revolutionary proletariat. "

At the Second Ordinary Conference of Delegates in 1974, the main political tasks of the KSV were defined: “The main task of the KSV is to support the party in the struggle for the proletarian revolution in the cadre and mass line with all possible strength. This means 1. that it is the task of each individual comrade and the entire association to support the struggles of the peoples, the struggles of the working class and its party with the necessary forces directly and directly. That means 2. to win as many students as possible to support the struggle of the working class, the peoples and the KPD. "


In the “anti-imperialist struggle”, in the support of communist movements in Indochina , in Indonesia, in Iran, which was suppressed by the Shah regime, or in the Middle East, the KSV organized many students beyond its direct influence.

Members and friends of the KSV actively supported the struggle in North Vietnam in hundreds of Vietnam committees of the National Vietnam Committee . Together with the League Against Imperialism , the KSV supported the demonstration in Bonn against the South Vietnamese government on April 10, 1973 , during which the Bonn town hall was temporarily occupied by KPD activists.

The KSV played a major role in the political strikes of students at the universities of West Berlin in the 1970s and supported the nationwide campaigns against professional bans in the public service, which affected many members and sympathizers of the KPD / AO and the KSV.

The anti-nuclear movement was broadly supported by the KSV, members and sympathizers of the KSV took part in the large, partly forbidden demonstrations in Wyhl , Brokdorf , Kalkar and on October 14, 1979 in Bonn with 140,000 opponents of nuclear power.

In early 1980 the KSV broke up on the III. Party congress of the KPD.

Known members

  • Matthias Dose, doctor for psychiatry, psychotherapy; Central management of the KSV; Responsible under press law for "Serving the People" and other KSV publications
  • Karl Schlögel , historian
  • Rudolf Schröck, journalist, author
  • Gerhard Strate

Related organizations


  • Rotzeg, report of the Red Cell German Studies, undated
  • RPK, No. 63
  • RPK, No. 88
  • Selected speeches, essays and resolutions of the KPD organizational structure, Berlin 1971
  • RPK, No. 186/187/188 from 1972
  • "The capitalist university smashed" top functionaries of the KPD and KSV on communist violence strategy in the Federal Republic , SPIEGEL conversation ( Ernst Elitz , Hans-Wolfgang Sternsdorff) with KSV functionary Matthias Dose, KPD leader Jürgen Horlemann and Dietrich Kreidt in the Dortmund party headquarters, in: Der Spiegel No. 6/1974, pp. 36–45 (5 pages); On-line
  • Accountability report and political resolution of the 2nd ordinary conference of delegates of the KSV 1974
  • Central management of the Communist Students' Union (KSV), no more cleaning up the universities - Scheer, Schneider, Sigrist remain university teachers !, Dortmund no year.
  • Serving the people, Cologne, January 1977
  • Serving the people, Cologne, March 1977
  • Rote Fahne, Cologne, January 25, 1979
  • Rote Fahne, Cologne, June 21, 1979
  • Rote Fahne, Cologne, December 18, 1979
  • Rote Fahne, Cologne, March 19, 1980


Individual evidence

  1. Selected speeches, essays and resolutions of the KPD's organizational structure, Berlin 1971, p. 303 ff
  2. KSV material on Günter Platzdasch's homepage
  3. Guidelines of the Central Committee on the Cadre Question, in: Selected speeches, essays and resolutions of the KPD's organizational structure, Berlin 1971, p. 53 u. 56.
  4. Accountability report and political resolution of the 2nd Ordinary Conference of Delegates, pp. 59f
  5. Accountability report and political resolution of the 2nd Ordinary Conference of Delegates, p. 65
  6. ^ Maoist psychiatrist luminary. In: Münchner Merkur . July 25, 2014, accessed November 8, 2019.
  7. ^ Peter Zolling: K-GROUPS: Wende-Comrades. In: Focus Online . September 8, 1997, accessed October 14, 2018 .