Ernst Elitz

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Ernst Elitz in May 2010

Ernst Elitz (born July 24, 1941 in Berlin ) is a German journalist and university professor . Until March 31, 2009 he was the first director of Deutschlandradio (DRadio).


Elitz studied German , theater studies , politics and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin from 1960 to 1968 . He completed his studies with the academic degree Magister Artium . As a student he began to write theater reviews, worked for the US military- founded broadcaster RIAS Berlin and was a freelancer for Die Zeit . In 1969 he went to Spiegel as an editor , where he was primarily responsible for education, university and science policy in the German editorial team .

In 1974 he switched to ZDF , where he worked in the Berlin studio reporting from East and West Berlin and the GDR and moderated Kennzeichen D. Kennzeichen D picked up topics from both German states and was considered a counterpart to Gerhard Löwenthal's ZDF magazine. The editorial team received the German Critics 'Prize in 1977, the Gustav Heinemann Citizens' Prize in 1978 and the Jakob Kaiser Prize in 1983. 1983–1985 Elitz was deputy director and moderator of “ heute-journal ”. In 1985 he became editor-in-chief of television for Süddeutscher Rundfunk . He belonged to the team of moderators of the “ Weltspiegel ” and took over the discussion program “Pro and Contra” broadcast in the first program from Emil Obermann. Elitz made it possible there for the first time that viewers could tune into the broadcast via the teledialog system (TED) of the Deutsche Bundespost. When he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit First Class (2004), it was emphasized that he was "one of the fathers of interactive television". He emerged as a “Tagesthemen” commentator and spoke to people from contemporary history on the program “Wortwechsel”.

From 1994 to 2009 Elitz was director of Deutschlandradio with his two radio programs Deutschlandradio Kultur (since 2017 Deutschlandfunk Kultur) and Deutschlandfunk . On March 3, 1994, at the suggestion of the Board of Directors (Chairman of the ZDF-Intendant Stolte) of the Radio Council of Deutschlandradio, he became the first director of the national broadcasters, which were composed of Rias (West Berlin), Deutschlandfunk (Cologne) and Deutschlandsender Kultur (formerly GDR) Broadcasting elected. The election was preceded by several years of negotiations between the federal and state governments about the mandate and structure of the new nationwide broadcaster. The preparations were completed at the turn of 1993/94 with the adoption of a state treaty. The State Treaty stipulated that the director of the station was to be elected by the Radio Council. Since a radio council had to be constituted in order to properly elect the director, the chairman of the board of directors was “provisional director” for a few weeks. "With the election of Elitz as the first director, the nationwide national radio - after almost four years of ongoing discussions - was finally able to work". Elitz's task was, in addition to a radical downsizing, the "merging of three corporate cultures and the development of a Deutschlandradio-specific corporate culture", the profiling of Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio Kultur (formerly Rias and Deutschlandsender Kultur) for national information and culture waves and the equipment of the station with corresponding FM reception options. By 2014 the audience ratings for the two programs more than doubled: DLF reached 1.7 million daily listeners (1995: 690,000), Deutschlandradio Kultur 440,000 daily listeners (1995: 130,000). The number of VHF reception frequencies rose from 30 to 300 during Elitz's tenure.

The fourth state broadcasting treaty (1999) granted national radio an independent fee in addition to ARD and ZDF. Financially independent of the two major public broadcasters, Deutschlandradio was recognized as the third “independent pillar” of public broadcasting alongside ARD and ZDF.

The Deutschlandradio website was also set up during the term of office of artistic director Elitz. "Early on, Elitz relied on the Internet as a means of dissemination - also a pioneer in this regard - to attract a younger audience," said the "Berliner Zeitung". In addition, Deutschlandradio was commissioned by the Prime Minister to broadcast a third digital program (Deutschlandradio Wissen).

In 2009, after three terms in office, Elitz was retired as director of Deutschlandradio. Willi Steul was elected as his successor .

To say goodbye, the ZDF director and chairman of the Deutschlandradio board of directors, Markus Schächter, assessed the performance of Elitz independent political information as well as reports and cultural programs ”.

In 2012, the German Cultural Council awarded Elitz the prize of the German cultural associations, the “Kulturgroschen”. The reasoning states: “The German Cultural Council honors the work of Ernst Elitz as founding director of Deutschlandradio. After reunification, Elitz brought together different broadcasters from East and West and established a national radio station that is exemplary for the information, education, entertainment and cultural tasks of public broadcasting. ”With Dradio Wissen (since 2017 Deutschlandfunk Nova) I will the Internet was "used in an exemplary way as a means of dissemination for a sophisticated program aimed at a young audience". Minister of State for Culture Bernd Neumann gave the laudatory speech.

1974–1975 Elitz had a teaching position “Current Program Policy and Journalistic Work in Radio” at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Göttingen . From 1992 he held lectureships and guest lectures on communication science at various universities. Since October 5, 2005 he has been honorary professor at the Free University of Berlin, Department of Philosophy and Humanities, Institute for Culture and Media Management, and since November 2006 Director of the BerlinMediaProfessionalSchool at the Free University of Berlin. His teaching activities focus on the digital strategies of publishers, radio and television broadcasters, film production companies and cultural institutions and the associated changes in work and management processes.


  • Member of the board of trustees of the Deutsche Welthungerhilfe Foundation ( Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. )
  • PEN Center Germany
  • Social Democratic Party of Germany
  • Supervisory board of the Ludwigsburg Palace Festival
  • Advisory Board of the Stiftung Zukunft Berlin (Foundation website)
  • Chairman of the Art Advisory Board of the State Government of Baden-Württemberg. The advisory board, which was active from 2006 to 2009, developed recommendations for the state's art policy. (website mwk Baden-Württemberg)
  • Board of Trustees of the Buber-Rosenzweig Foundation for Christian-Jewish Cooperation
  • Jury Friedrich-Luft-Preis
  • Honorary member of the Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin ( in portrait of the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin)

Journalistic activity

In his journalistic work, Elitz focuses on media and cultural topics and on current German and international politics. During his tenure in office, for example, he advocated the preservation and adequate funding of German radio orchestras in an essay in “Die Zeit”, but warned the orchestras in “Die Welt” against insisting on privileges and stated that the The diversity of the ensembles can only be preserved with "strict economic action".

In essays on the history of the press, he deals with the involvement of journalists in the National Socialist system. For example in the article “Goebbels soldiers” about the propaganda companies in World War II or in articles about Werner Höfer, Walther Kiaulehn, Henri Nannen and Friedrich Sieburg.

His work focuses on questions of journalistic quality in view of the digitization of the media. For example, Elitz published his "Twelve Theses for Better Journalism" in the "Berliner Zeitung" and turned against the award of research contracts to external service providers. Among other things, he advocated a clear quality orientation of public broadcasting in the "Zeit" and demanded: "Only if the public broadcasters agree on a quality code, the broadcasting fees may be increased."

In the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” he opened a series on the future of journalism with an article “Anchor of Reliability - When in doubt, authenticity instead of real time”. In a programmatic article in the FAZ (“Waiting does not apply: journalists and the digital world”), he called on publishers to accept the historic challenge of digitization and to make radical use of the opportunities offered by the Internet. His conclusion: “Anyone who refuses to do this will perish.” He calls on journalism to fulfill its “social mission”, “to make all groups of society, regardless of their level of education, an attractive offer to explain the world, which is based on their respective horizon, based on their experience and knowledge ”.

For the weekly newspaper "Das Parlament" published by the German Bundestag, he writes essays on political and contemporary issues. The magazine "Cicero" publishes articles by Elitz on theater and cultural politics. Elitz has been writing regular comments in the Bild newspaper for several years. He is presented there - as in other media - as the "founding director of Deutschlandradios". In March 2017, Elitz was appointed to the newly created position of BILD ombudsman by the BILD editors-in-chief Tanit Koch and Julian Reichelt. In this position, he investigates allegations by readers who accuse the editorial team of distorting public debates, publishing fake news or reporting incorrectly. He publishes the results of his internal research in special columns. Elitz's appointment as ombudsman was presented in detail in the specialist media.



Fonts (selection)

  • You were there. East German profiles from Bärbel Bohley to Lothar de Maizière . Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Stuttgart 1991 ISBN 3-421-06600-0
  • Chances and problems of a merger of broadcasting companies. The example of DeutschlandRadio . (Series of working papers of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics at the University of Cologne; 34) Institute for Broadcasting Economics, Cologne 1995 ISBN 3-930788-28-4
  • National programs - regional programs. Complementary offers in Germany . (Series of working papers of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics at the University of Cologne; 94) Institute for Broadcasting Economics, Cologne 1998 ISBN 3-930788-80-2
  • Quality management. Untapped economic potential of German broadcasting services . (Series of working papers of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics at the University of Cologne; 214) Institute for Broadcasting Economics, Cologne 2006 ISBN 3-938933-13-5
  • (with Dieter Stammler): Program commitments and media quality. A project to ensure quality in electronic media . (Series of working papers of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics at the University of Cologne; 217) Institute for Broadcasting Economics, Cologne 2006 ISBN 3-938933-18-6
  • I'll stay here then. A German local customer . CH Beck, Munich 2009, ISBN 3-406593-03-8
  • Ethical Perspectives on Reporting Violence . In: media, ethics, violence. Edited by Petra Grimm / Heinrich Badura, Stuttgart 2011
  • The Christian-Jewish Occident and its Citizens: Shylock and Nathan, Mendelssohn and Maimonides . In: Freedom-Diversity-Europe. Special issue 2014. Ed. German Coordination Council e. V., Bad Nauheim 2014
  • Press campaigns in the Federal Republic . In: Under pressure! Media and politics. Ed. Foundation House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany. Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld / Berlin 2014 ISBN 978-3-7356-0045-5


  • Markus Schächter: Homo multimediales . In: Funk-Korrespondenz, March 6, 2009, Cologne
  • Jürgen Hein: The inventor of interactive television . In: Main Echo, February 26, 2009, Aschaffenburg
  • Stefan Fischer: The versatile one . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 54/2009. Munich.
  • Dagmar Reim, director of the RBB: On quiet feet to success . In: Berliner Morgenpost, February 26, 2009, Berlin.
  • Jürgen Doetz, President of the Association of Private Broadcasting and Telecommunications (VPRT): Typically Elitz . In: Der Tagesspiegel, February 25, 2009, Berlin.
  • Bettina Wieselmann: Always above the battlements of the parties . In: Stuttgarter Zeitung, March 26, 2009, Stuttgart.
  • Andreas Lebert (editor): Do something with energy: Ernst Elitz . EnBW's business magazine, issue 9, published by Utz Claassen, Karlsruhe 2003.
  • Silke Burmester: Diekmann's messenger of the gods . In:, February 28, 2014, Berlin.
  • Martin glasses: heads - Prof. Ernst Elitz . In: Medienwirtschaft, 4/2014, Stuttgart.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Deutschlandradio press release May 14, 2004, WAZ March 16, 2009
  2. Deutschlandradio press release November 21, 2002
  3. Rundfunkpolitik in Deutschland, Ed. Dietrich Schwarzkopf, Volume 2, pp. 1006/7
  4. Nationwide and ad-free. Ten years of Deutschlandradio. Ed. Manfred Jenke, 2003, p. 50 / Inga Hoff: Radio after the turning point, p. 79, in the network
  5. Nationwide and ad-free. Ten years of Deutschlandradio. Edited by Manfred Jenke, 2003, p. 37
  6. u. a. Stuttgarter Nachrichten March 11, 209 / Nationwide and ad-free, p. 3.
  7. u. a. Berliner Morgenpost February 26, 2009 / Nationwide and ad-free, p. 36
  8. Deutschlandradio press release July 15, 2014, nationwide and ad-free, p. 71
  9. Berliner Morgenpost, February 26, 2009
  10. Nationwide and ad-free, p. 37, Main Echo February 26, 2009
  11. March 31, 2009
  12. Main Echo, February 26, 2009, State Treaty on the Corporation under Public Law “Deutschlandradio” § 2, current version
  13. radio correspondence March 6, 2009, dpa February 26, 2009
  14. ^ German Cultural Council press release December 16, 2011
  16. ^ Time March 17, 2005
  17. May 13, 2003
  18. Berliner Zeitung May 8, 2014
  19. World March 21, 2014
  20. World September 23, 2013
  21. World December 23, 2013
  22. World on Sunday, July 20, 2014
  23. January 4, 2010
  24. Berliner Zeitung 27./28. February 2014: "The journalistic core"
  25. ^ "Time" February 12, 2004
  26. February 5, 2010
  27. May 10, 2013
  28. medium magazine September 6, 2011
  29. May 12, 2012, December 2, 2013
  30. ^ Dpa February 26, 2009, otherwise google Elitz / Gründungsintendant
  31. BILD 22.2.2017, BILD am Sunday 26.2.2017
  32. Quality is when it's right . In: Horizont 2.8.2017; Ensure more transparency In: print & more 3/2017; Ombudsman at BILD: 'The editorial staff behaved irresponsibly.' In: Kress August 21, 2017
  33. Commitment to better living and working conditions. Archived from the original on October 6, 2014 ; accessed on January 10, 2015 .
  34. ^ Homepage of the German Cultural Council ( Memento of May 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), September 24, 2012