Competence center of the craft

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Skills centers for the skilled crafts are selected inter-company vocational training centers in the skilled crafts sector (ÜBS) according to the guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). Since 1999, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) have been supporting the consistent further development of inter-company vocational training centers in the skilled trades (ÜBS) into competence centers.

The funded competence centers have opened up more than 67 technology fields for the skilled trades and thus opened up new fields of activity for the companies. These include, for example, automotive technology, automation and safety technology, photovoltaics and solar thermal energy, energy efficiency and environmental technologies, hearing acoustics, information and communication technology, but also modern production technologies as well as aspects of sustainability and resource efficiency, for example through energy-saving timber construction.


The main task of the ÜBS as competence centers continues to be the implementation of training and further education offers. The competence centers, which act as "beacons", develop lead projects in which specialist content is prepared using the latest methods of competence acquisition and made available to other vocational training institutions. In this way, the competence centers make a significant contribution to updating and improving the quality of training and further education. It is important to use the existing infrastructures and develop them further in accordance with the new requirements. Competence centers should form coordinated but different focal points and for this purpose network with cooperation partners.

Tasks of a competence center in the craft

  • Development and testing of standardized, quality-assured basic, advanced and advanced training offers
  • Integration of new technologies, increasingly media-based
  • Support in transferring these offers to the training centers
  • Development and testing of educational service concepts
  • Testing innovations for educational centers and companies
  • Methodology / didactics / media use
  • Technologies
  • Organizational and personnel development

See also

Individual evidence

  1. BMWi: When knowledge becomes competencies - 10 years competence center in the craft. In: Press release from the BMWi of February 17, 2009. Accessed on April 13, 2011
  2. On July 11, 2009, a new guideline for the promotion of inter-company vocational training institutions (ÜBS) and competence centers came into force. Website of the Federal Institute for Vocational Training. Retrieved April 13, 2011