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As congenital all characteristics of living things known, which even at its birth have been created.

In the medical language of doctors, the terms congenital and connatal are occasionally used synonymously, although there are differences between the two:

  • congenital ( Germanised and previously borrowed from the Latin congenitalis or congenitus via the English congenital , for from birth ) means in a broad sense present at birth ; no distinction is made as to whether a characteristic was inherited or acquired in the womb.
  • (similarly, about the English connatally connatal this before, and from the Latin natalis , for borrowed born [in] ) relates closely to features that are present at birth and for example, intrauterine influences, that is in the womb , were acquired.

See also


  • Roche Lexicon Medicine . 4th edition. Urban & Fischer Verlag, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-541-17114-6

Web links

Wiktionary: innate  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. congenital . In: DocCheck Flexikon , 2019; with: “from Latin: con (old Latin for cum) - with; genus, generis - birth, descent, gender "
  2. congenital . In:, 2019; ibid under "origin" with: "to Latin con = mit- and genitum, 2nd participle of: gignere = to beget, to give birth"
  3. connatal . In: DocCheck Flexikon , 2019; with: "from Latin: natus - born"
  4. connatal . In:, 2019