Constitutional treatment

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With constitutional treatment ( Latin constitutio corporis , “constitution”, “state of the body”) numerous alternative medical therapists refer to a treatment that is intended to act on unfavorable dispositions or health disorders of the patient that have existed since birth. The constitution therapy has a holistic , humoral pathological basis, it should treat the whole person and not just individual organs .

The effectiveness of the procedure has not yet been proven.


In classical homeopathy , constitutional treatment is used when a person is to be treated “from the ground up”. For this purpose, he is given "his" constitutional remedy after taking the appropriate anamnesis . In order to be able to find the right constitutional remedy for the particular person seeking healing, the therapist should grasp the overall appearance of a person (physical, mental and emotional characteristics).

From the perspective of homeopaths, constitutional treatment is called for when the diagnosis shows that a patient is chronically ill or the respective life situation requires comprehensive therapy. To do this, the entirety of the symptoms must be queried and documented. This happens in an anamnesis of about 90 to 180 minutes (a case study). The aim is to find the "simillimum", the individual remedy which, in terms of its characteristics, is most similar to the character of the person seeking healing. The therapist will usually ask questions about the following complexes:

  • Presence of serious diseases in the family
  • Previous illnesses of the patient
  • Mind and essence symptoms
  • Special, individual, noticeable symptoms
  • General symptoms (e.g. food preferences and aversions, sleeping habits, digestion, temperature sensation, etc.)
  • Local symptoms (e.g. skin changes, headache, back pain, dental problems, etc.) and their modalities (when, how, where, how often)

Non-verbal characteristics are also noted. The therapist pays attention to facial expressions, gestures, expression of the eyes and the way of dressing. The individual symptoms of the anamnesis are classified according to their importance in the so-called "repertorisation". The homeopathic remedies in question can be found in the comparable rubrics in the repertory .

Once the right remedy has been found, the potency and the associated dose must be determined. Since in the course of the constitutional treatment (which in any case takes a long time, often years) the constitution can change or rather change due to the action of the remedy, the “simillimum” to be prescribed can change in the course of life. Therefore, a longer consultation hour is deemed necessary at regular intervals. Otherwise, shorter consultations of 20 to 40 minutes every quarter are common.

Other directions of therapy

Bach flower therapists also know constitutionally compiled medicines.

The Viennese gynecologist Bernhard Aschner (1883–1960) created constitutional therapy from 1908 , which in his books describes the crisis of medicine. Constitutional therapy as a way out (1. A. 1928) and the technique of constitution therapy (1. A. 1936) is presented in detail. A part of his medical system is known today under the names " Ausleitendeverfahren " and "Aschner procedure".