Control body (criminal proceedings)

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A checkpoint is a fixed road block of the German police that is set up on public roads, paths and squares in order to act in a repressive manner. The purpose is usually to search for people or things (mostly motor vehicles) or to check for certain (forbidden) objects.

At checkpoints, vehicles including the load and occupants are subjected to a check (primarily identity verification and search ).

The legal basis is § 111 StPO . It allows the establishment of control posts if their establishment for the purpose of investigating crimes appears justified. The order for a control point is made by a judge; the public prosecutor's office and its investigators are only authorized to do so in the event of imminent danger .


Control posts are usually associated with a large effort . To this end, reinforcing units, such as the riot police , are often called in . They are not positioned selectively, but flat. In terms of police tactics, checkpoints are managed with stand controls . Organizationally, the manhunt is under the direction of an operations leader or at least the control center .

See also