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A conversatory is a type of university event. It is mostly based on a lecture , less often on a seminar , and gives students the opportunity to ask questions to the lecturer. The conversation usually takes place immediately after the main event.

Unlike the Privatissimum , the conversatory is in the course catalogand is open to all students. Conversatories were necessary in earlier times because it was mostly unusual at universities to interrupt the lecturer with questions during the lecture. Not only was this considered impolite, it could also mess up the lecturer's schedule. Today, conversatories are only held in a few universities, as lecturers also give students the right to ask questions in lectures. Other types of courses, such as the tutorial led by experienced students, have also displaced the conversatory. Conversatories are still held at the law faculties of the Universities of Vienna and Würzburg, the University of Salzburg, the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, the Karl-Franzens University of Graz, the Technical University of Graz and the Technical University of Vienna.

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Wiktionary: Konversatorium  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations