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A Tutorial (lat., A substantive from privatissime , dt. About very private , very personal , very secretly ) is a university event mode. As a rule, courses at universities take place as Collegium Publicum and are therefore public for all members of the respective university. A (Collegium) Privatissimum , on the other hand, is an event for a group of listeners selected by the lecturer . In a secondary meaning, Privatissimum is an - often joking - educational expression for a serious personal admonition.

Privatissimum as a course

A private lecture is a course for a group of participants selected by the lecturer and, if necessary, invited by him. This takes place in a more informal form, usually not in the lecture hall area of ​​a university, but in the premises of a chair or, as was the rule in the past, in the lecturer's private apartment. Such an event is often offered by lecturers in addition to their actual teaching duties . In particular, colloquia for diploma and doctoral students are often held as a private degree .

Privatissima usually have relatively few participants and are often devoted to discussing research projects and results.

If the course is listed in the course catalog - with the note "Privatissimum" or "privatissime" - the location of the course is often missing. In this case, interested parties can contact the lecturer and ask him or her for permission to participate.

In addition, when referring to a conversation with a lecturer, “privatissime” is an expression for “outside of a course”. Answer z. If, for example, a lecturer answers a question from the audience: "I can explain that to you privatissime", he offers to answer the question about the event or during the consultation hour.

Web links

Wiktionary: Privatissimum  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. see: Duden - The great foreign dictionary. 3rd edition, ISBN 3-411-04163-3 .