Federal selection of concerts of young artists

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The Federal Selection of Concerts of Young Artists (BA KJK) is a funding project for highly talented and professional young musicians in Germany.

The funding program is an initiative of the German Music Council (DMR). It is the oldest program of the German Music Council, which is still successful. The BA KJK is supported by the cultural foundation of the federal states , the society for the utilization of ancillary copyrights GVL and the North German broadcasting company . The German Association of Cities is also an ideal sponsor .

The BA KJK consists of award winners and scholarship holders from the German Music Competition . Subsequent to this competition, the BA KJK participants will be placed for a concert season throughout Germany. The DMR publishes an annual artist catalog in which the participants of the BA KJK are presented with detailed biographies and the concert programs they have developed themselves. Members of the organizer ring of the BA KJK can engage the artists within the framework of fixed conditions. Every year about 200 concerts take place across Germany. Each individual participant has up to 30 and more concert appearances. The artistic preparation for the BA KJK season is supported by a grant from GVL funds and a grant from DMR.

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