Coordinated Organizations

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The coordinated organizations ( English. Co-ordinated Organizations, French. Organizations coordonnées ) are a group of six international organizations that have agreed on a uniform remuneration system for their employees.

The coordinated organizations are:

The concept of coordination was first developed in 1958 for four international organizations based in France. In 1965 the Inter-Organizations Study Section on Salaries and Prices (IOS) was founded, which determines the remuneration of the coordinated organizations. The IOS is part of the OECD administration, but is funded by all member organizations.

The coordinated organizations divide salaries into the following grades :

  • The A group is divided into seven levels, with A1 being the lowest and A7 the highest; Levels from A5 are considered management positions.
  • The L group (L1 – L5) is reserved for translators .
  • The B (B1 – B6) and C groups (C1 – C6) include assistants or technicians.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Foreign Office: Training and career in international organizations