Kopalnia Węgla Kamiennego Piast

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The Piast Coal Mine (Polish Kopalnia Węgla Kamiennego Piast ) is an active coal mine in Bieruń , Poland. Today it belongs to the Polska Grupa Górnicza (PGG) group.



The mine in the town of Bieruń ( Lage ) was built between 1972 and 75, initially belonged to the Jaworzno-Nikolai Association of Coal Industry (Jaworsznicko-Mikołowsie ZPW) and had an area of 30.56 km². In 1975 the first level was driven and in 1979 the annual production already reached 3.22 million tons.

The conflict with the government in 1981 resulted in the longest miners' strike since the end of the war on Piast and was led by over 1,000 miners underground.

Complete system from Piast

From 1993 the mine was part of the Vistula coal industry, which on July 1, 2000 integrated the Czeczott mine, which was built in 1978, into this operation as the second division of Piast .

Czeczott / Piast II

The construction of a mine in the municipality of Wola 7.5 km west of Oświęcim ( Lage ) began in 1978, the first coal was mined in 1985. Originally the mine, like Piast, belonged to the Jaworzno-Nikolai-Industrie, from 1982 to the Association of Coal Mines in Mysłowice.

Remnants of Piast II (as of 2014)

On July 1, 2000, it formed a joint mine with Piast and has since been called Piast II . Already 20 years after the start of production, the mine was closed again on July 29, 2005.

The mine excavated seams 207, 209/1 and 209/2 on two levels, the 500 m and 650 m level. The entire production was brought to light via "Shaft II". "Shaft I" was used for the cable car, and "Shafts I, III and IV" were used for material transport. III and V were weather shafts.

After the merger with Piast , the shafts I, II, III and IV were given the designations "K-1", "S-1", "W-1" and "W-2". It was decided to shut down the mine in connection with the merger, but it was postponed until 2005.

Today part of the coal processing of Piast still takes place on the site; Imported coal is also processed for use in power plants that use eddy current boilers. Since then, the scaffolding has been moved over shafts III and IV to other mines, headframe III to the Bogdanka Stefanów colliery , and the scaffolding from shaft IV to the Rydułtowy CHP . The future of the tower above shaft II is uncertain, the double jack above shaft I has since been demolished.


From 2003 to 2016 the coal mine Piast was owned by Kompalnia Węglowa SA and today (2016) employs 4652 people and can mine around 5.5 million tons per year. Its authorized area is 48.31 km². The coal is mined on the 500 m and 650 m levels, there are no separate weather levels. Coal mining is completely mechanized; both shears and scraper conveyors are used.

Since the mine not only produces thermal coal for generating electricity, but also has house fire as an important sales channel, a new filling plant for 25 kg sacks was put into operation in 2002, which could fill 360 sacks per hour.

Piast shaft IV

The coal itself has a calorific value of 25,000 kJ / kg and burns with less than 1% sulfur and is very low in pollutants.

It has four shafts, shaft II with a concrete headframe for coal extraction, shaft I with a double jack for the cable car, shaft III for material transport and shaft IV ( layer ) as an extending weather shaft.

Merger with Ziemowit

On June 1, 2016, the mine merged with Ziemowit to form the Piast-Ziemowit composite mine and thus all of the mines in the area of ​​the Vistula.

Funding figures

1979: 3.22 million t;


  1. Despite the fact that they have the same name, this mine must not be confused with the Piast shafts of Ziemowit.
  2. For the story, see the website http://eksploratorzy.com.pl/viewtopic.php?t=8600 (accessed on September 5, 2016)
  3. Historical photos of Piast II and comments at http://czeczott.blogspot.com/ (accessed on September 5, 2016)
  4. Product name "Retopal"; see https://pgg.pl/sklep (accessed on February 22, 2017)
  5. see http://www.wnp.pl/artykuly/oddzial-kwk-quot-piast-quot,-5022.html (accessed on April 27, 2016)


  • Jerzy Jaros: Słownik histoynczny kopalń węgla na ziemiach polskich. Katowice 1984.

Web links

Commons : Kopalnia Węgla Kamiennego Piast  - collection of images, videos and audio files