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Koresos ( Greek  Κόρεσος ) is a person of Greek mythology . He was the priest of Dionysus in Kalydon .

Koresos makes offers to his lover, Kallirrhoë , which she always refuses. He becomes angry about this and asks Dionysus to punish her. Dionysus sends a plague to the residents of Kalydon that drove them mad . To find out what they can do about the plague, the Kalydonians visit the oracle Dodona . There they learn that they should vote for Dionysus by offering him Kallirrhoë or someone in their place. Despite resistance to the altar, Kallirrhoë is sacrificed . Koresos, who is supposed to perform this, becomes aware of his love again and sacrifices himself in her place, Kallirrhoë is then attacked by remorse for her hard-heartedness and also takes his own life.



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