Cost area type

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With the help of cost area types (KFA), the costs of buildings are classified according to their areas and types of use as part of the cost calculation . The procedure is mainly used in public construction projects in Germany. It is usually given when applying for funds for new public-sector construction projects.

The method of cost area types assigns a cost area type (KFA 1-9) to each usable area based on its specific use and thus corresponding equipment. The functional and traffic area types - the latter divided into horizontal and vertical ( stairs ) areas - are also taken into account (KFA 10-12). The costs arising due to different room heights are included in the calculation via the gross room volume (KFA 13).

To determine costs according to cost area types, the planned usable areas are initially set up as a space program with the usage codes (NC) according to the usage catalog from DIN 277 [1987], part 2)). The individual usage codes are each assigned cost area types with a specific cost value per m². The allocation tables of the usage codes to cost area types or cost values ​​are managed and updated centrally by the state property and building administration of Baden-Württemberg for the public sector building authorities.

The method of determining costs according to cost area types is often criticized for the fact that the allocation of usable areas to cost area types is in some cases not clearly possible and allows considerable room for interpretation. This may lead to a falsification of the results. It is therefore necessary to secure the results of a cost determination according to cost area types using other cost determination methods.


  • Günter Wöhe : Introduction to general business administration. Munich 2000, p. 863.
  • Udo Blecken, Willi Hasselmann: Costs in building construction. Cologne 2007, p. 27.
  • DIN 276 costs in building construction.
  • HOAI §15 (2) Project planning for buildings, outdoor facilities and space-creating extensions.