Koulba Baba

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Koulba Baba (* 1899 in Sébéri ; † 1975 in Niamey ; actually Moumouni Sékou ) was a Nigerian narrator from the Djesseré profession .


Koulba Baba belonged to the Zarma ethnic group . He was descended from Djesseré on both his mother's and father's side. He began his training as a narrator with a paternal uncle and put them in the Ivory Coast and Mali , where he his compatriot as Tinguizi a student of the renowned griot was Bansouma Cissoko.

Koulba Baba is one of the great Djesseré masters alongside Djéliba Badjé , Badjé Bannya , Nouhou Malio , Djado Sékou and Tinguizi. There are sound recordings of his lectures made by Radio Niger and the Research Institute for Human Sciences (IRSH) in Niamey. His best known epics , told in the Zarma language , include Mayyahi , Djikan Djibrilla , Sambo Soga Lobo Soga and Soumangourou Kanté .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Hamadou Seini: Zarma-Songhoï Verbal Artistry and Expression: From the Epic to the Francophone Novel, with a Focus on Intertextual Dialogue Across the Genres . Dissertation. University of Colorado, Boulder 2013, pp. 31 and 41 ( scholar.colorado.edu [PDF; accessed April 5, 2020]).
  2. ^ A b Sandra Bornand: Le discours du griot généalogiste chez les Zarma du Niger . Karthala, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-84586-625-9 , pp. 222-223 .
  3. Ousmane Mahamane Tandina: épopée L' . In: Marie-Clotilde Jacquey (ed.): Littérature nigérienne (=  Notre librairie . No. 107 ). CLEF, Paris 1991, p. 60 .