Badjé Bannya

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Badjé Bannya (* around 1912 in Ngayga ; † December 13, 1970 ; also Badjé Babia , Badjé Bania ) was a Nigerian narrator from the Djesseré profession .


Badjé Bannya's father was Bannya Dianni, his mother was Pori. His birthplace Ngayga is in the area of Birni N'Gaouré . He spent twelve years in what is now Mali to learn his craft as a storyteller and settled with his younger brother Garba Bannya in the village of Tonko Bangou in Liboré .

There he worked as Djesseré of the canton chief of Liboré. He had numerous students, including his eldest son Djéliba Badjé and Djado Sékou . Badjé Bannya is one of the great Djesseré masters , along with the two just mentioned, as well as Koulba Baba , Nouhou Malio and Tinguizi . He told his stories in the Zarma language . Of which the part was Radio Niger and the Research Institute for Human Sciences (IRSH) in Niamey stated the following in sound recordings: Amala Seyni Gakoy , Garba Mamaar , Gorby Dikko , Hambodeejo Paate , Maamar Kasay , Manta (in two versions), Sambo Soga , Tilwati , Yooli Jawanndo , Zabarkan and an untitled Zarma - pedigree .

Badjé Bannya had seven wives and nine children.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Sandra Bornand: Le discours du griot généalogiste chez les Zarma du Niger . Karthala, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-84586-625-9 , pp. 223-224 .
  2. ^ Sandra Bornand: Le discours du griot généalogiste chez les Zarma du Niger . Karthala, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-84586-625-9 , pp. 225 .
  3. ^ Sandra Bornand: Le discours du griot généalogiste chez les Zarma du Niger . Karthala, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-84586-625-9 , pp. 33 .
  4. Hamadou Seini: Zarma-Songhoï Verbal Artistry and Expression: From the Epic to the Francophone Novel, with a Focus on Intertextual Dialogue Across the Genres . Dissertation. University of Colorado, Boulder 2013, pp. 31 ( [PDF; accessed April 11, 2020]).
  5. Ousmane Mahamane Tandina: épopée L' . In: Marie-Clotilde Jacquey (ed.): Littérature nigérienne (=  Notre librairie . No. 107 ). CLEF, Paris 1991, p. 60 .