Convulsive colic

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The Krampfkolik is a special form of horse colic .


Cramps can arise due to overexertion, damp cold from below, weather changes, great excitement, badly chewed food due to dental problems, feeding errors, severe worm infestation, altered intestinal position, in young animals often associated with stress, frequent ingestion of sand or even from eating poisonous plants .

This can easily lead to further complications, such as B. Develop intestinal obstruction by twisting or clogging.


Frequent symptoms are restlessness, hoof pawing, stamping with the rear or front hooves, flehing , the head is often turned towards the stomach, refusal to feed and hitting the stomach with the rear hooves . The extremely painful intestinal cramps can also appear as colic attacks with cramping of the whole body, throwing down on the floor and rolling.

Depending on the cause, extremely loud bowel noises or the opposite. Typical of this form of colic are the frequent bowel noises, which can usually be heard without a stethoscope .

Immediate action and treatment

Any colic should be presented to a veterinarian immediately, who can rule out other causes or forms. Covering and moving by guiding the animal are simple immediate measures. The vet will give you anticonvulsant medication . If there are signs of a disturbance in the cardiovascular system, further measures are necessary.


Regular deworming, annual dental checks, stress avoidance and species-appropriate housing and feeding are prophylactic . Additional mineral intake is recommended when grazing.

When feeding, the horse should initially be observed while eating.