Sick book warehouse

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The medical record warehouse located at the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGeSo) in Berlin was the central German office for the military medical records from both world wars . It was closed on December 31, 2013. Inquiries are processed by the WASt , which was responsible for submitting the documents in early 2017.

For the period prior to 1919, the sick book store was almost the only way to obtain information on the troop membership and the whereabouts of members of the greater part of the German armed forces.

The archive managed u. a. the following stocks:

  • The complete loss lists ( German loss lists ) of the First World War (125 volumes) from August 1914 to October 1919 with approx. 8.5 million entries. The entries are sorted by time and not alphabetically. The printed version of the loss lists published at the time (which, however, does not contain all archived data records in full) has now been digitized by a private crowdsourcing initiative and has been available to everyone for online research since spring 2014 in the form of a wiki project.
  • 50,000 hospital sick books from the First World War and 6,700 sick books from the time before with a total of 67.35 million entries. These are only hospitals of the Prussian army , provided that their files were not destroyed when the Potsdam Army Archives were lost in the spring of 1945.
  • 29,000 hospital sick books from the time of the Second World War (mainly navy and army) with approx. 25 million entries.
  • 8 million individual documents (medical records, health books, aviation medical examination certificates, etc.) from the Second World War

As early as July 1, 2007, the special services of the medical register warehouse, which had previously been publicly available, were discontinued in order to determine them in the database in response to private inquiries and to accept searches. No more information has been given to private individuals since that date. The petition addressed to the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag prior to the discontinuation of this service to take action on the matter and ensure the permanent availability of the data to the public ( initiative of the medical register warehouse ) was unsuccessful. With the final closure of the archive, only the research holdings that have been transferred to the military archive are now available.

Those born before 1890 were transferred from the medical records warehouse in Berlin to the military archive of the Federal Archives (BA-MA) in Freiburg. Of the documents of the later years (up to 1899), those of those born in January and July are now also in the military history department of the Federal Archives.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. State Office for Health and Social Affairs Berlin: sick book warehouse , accessed on December 30, 2013.
  2. ^ Lists of losses from the First World War
  3. Federal Office of Administration: Holdings of the archives in the Berlin sick book warehouse ( Memento of the original from January 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. .
  4. The initiative's project page, which has since been switched off and can no longer be called up, was called Initiative Krankenbuchlager. Archived from the original on December 8, 2008 ; Retrieved September 21, 2007 .