Cremation technician

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Cremation technician is a job title for technical specialists working in crematoria who have successfully passed an examination at the HWK Düsseldorf to obtain this title.


In 1878 the first crematorium in Germany was opened in Gotha. Since then there has been the profession of "cremation technician". These are technical employees who work in crematoria and provide the service of cremating the deceased. Up until now, the technical staff had to learn how to properly exercise their profession themselves. In some cases they benefited from experience that was passed on from generation to generation. Otherwise, the knowledge transfer was limited to specific instructions from the equipment manufacturer of the cremation technology.


So far, there is no uniform name for the technical staff of a crematorium. In German usage, terms such as cremator, cremator or cremator are used. In an effort to create a uniform language, the VDI guideline 3891 “Emission Reduction Cremation Plants” defines the term “Betriebswart (cremation warden, cremator)” as the designation for the operating personnel. Other names are according to the above. Avoid policy. The term “cremation technician” was newly introduced in 2005 with the start of the training course of the same name.


As in the entire funeral sector, there were no comprehensive and comprehensive training and further education opportunities for technical staff in the cremation sector until 2004. In 2005, for the first time in German crematorium history, the Bundesverband Deutsche Bestatter eV (BDB) based in Düsseldorf offered advanced training to become a certified cremation technician. In this respect, it is not a matter of independent vocational training, but rather a qualification measure. The target group of the part-time advanced training are senior employees of a crematorium company. The training is currently being carried out in the Federal Undertaker Training Center in Münnerstadt . It ends with the completion of an examination at the Düsseldorf Chamber of Crafts .

Technical content is the focus of the training. The training program includes the imparting of knowledge in the areas of culture, history and technology of cremation , branch- related marketing, planning and construction of crematoriums. In addition to topics such as pollution control, hygiene, health and safety at work, non-technical subjects such as administrative law or bookkeeping are also an integral part of the training.

On June 13, 2006, the first 13 participants passed their exam. These are the only certified cremation technicians in Germany to date who, 128 years after the opening of the first crematorium in Germany, were specially trained for the operation of cremation facilities.

job profile

Safe and responsible driving style of cremation technology. Employees of cremation facilities are service providers on behalf of the relatives and partners of the funeral parlors, their task continues to include the early detection of dangerous situations in the ongoing cremation operation while observing and applying the legal standards.

quality control

With the introduction of advanced training to become a certified cremation technician - in addition to the predominantly business-oriented professional training as a funeral specialist - new quality standards are set in the field of funeral, cemetery and cremation services. In the near future, they will certainly be able to establish themselves as recognized quality features in the funeral market.