Creep modulus

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The creep modulus (English. Creep modulus , hence the Index  c ) is a material property of the material technology for the creep . Since creep plays a role above all in plastics (temporal influence of the retardation or relaxation due to the viscoelastic behavior of the polymers ), it is common to use the creep modulus when designing or dimensioning plastic components.

For time-dependent loads, it is defined as.


Here designated

  • the mechanical stress (normal stress, not shear stress )
  • the time-dependent elongation  (ratio of change in length to original length).

The creep modulus similar by definition the non- time-dependent modulus of elasticity , hence the main symbols  E .

Like the modulus of elasticity, the creep modulus has the unit of stress:

E c in

or in SI units :

E c in ( Pascal ).