Critias (son of Leaides)

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Kritias ( Greek Κριτίας ; * approx. 520 BC ), son of Leaides , was an Athenian politician. His name appears on two ostraca found in the agora , which, due to the letter shape and the context of the find, date back to the 480s BC. To be dated. He is considered the father of Callaischros and thus the grandfather of the "tyrant" Critias ; the discrepancies regarding the family genealogy of the "tyrant" Critias handed down by Plato are understood as a literary device. Critias, son of Leaides, is also considered the father of Glaucon , grandfather of the "tyrant" Charmides and the Periktione , and thus as the great-grandfather of Plato .

Politically, Critias is assigned to the opponents of Themistocles .


  • JK Davies: Athenian propertied Families 600-300 BC , London 1971.
  • E. Vanterpool: "Some Ostraka from the Athenian Agora", in: Hesperia Suppl. 8, 1949, pp. 394-412.

Individual evidence

  1. E. Vanterpool (1949), p. 399 No. 12.
  2. a b Davies (1971), p. 326.