Kronenfels (noble family)

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Kronenfels , also known as Kronenfelss , is an aristocratic family that has been documented in Austria since the 18th century and has been part of the imperial knighthood since 1792 .


On April 2, 1774, Franz Wenzel Stephan Kronenfels obtained the hereditary-Austrian knighthood with the family coat of arms. In 1792 the secret cabinet secretary and real secret councilor Joseph Stephan von Kronenfels received the nobility diploma with the title noble gentleman .

Various members had military careers in the Imperial and Royal Army .

Known family members (selection)

  • Josef von Kronenfels (Stephan von Kronenfels; 1776–1852), Austrian civil servant, administrative officer and genealogist
  • Rudolf von Kronenfels, colonel in the artillery at Agram
  • Adolf Ritter von Kronenfels, captain in the 32nd Infantry Regiment

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Ernst Heinrich Kneschke et al. (Ed.): Kronenfelss, Kronenfels, Ritter , in this .: New general German Adels Lexicon . Volume 5: Kalb – Loewenthal , Friedrich Voigt, Leipzig, 1864, p. 299; Digitization via the internet archive
  2. Compare the information in the catalog of the German National Library