Enlargement of the head

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The Kropf enlargement ( dilatation ingluviei ) is a disease characterized by an increase of the bolster leads in birds. The main causes are feeding errors such as long-fiber food or lack of water, which lead to a clogging of the goitre content. These are also known as "hard goiter". In the further course of the disease, bacterial decomposition processes with gas formation and inflammation of the goiter mucosa can lead to a "soft goiter". In Pouters the crop extension is race-related and is in large grains amounts predispose to constipation.

Clinically, the widening of the head appears as a protrusion in the lower neck area, which can be hard or softly fluctuating. Due to the passage disruption, general disturbances, deficiency symptoms and dehydration can occur in the further course of the disease. The "soft goiter" has an unpleasant smell from the beak. Goiter rupture can occur if it persists for a long time . In terms of differential diagnosis, goiter inflammation and adenovirus infection , pasteurellosis and tuberculosis must be differentiated.

For treatment, the goiter must be emptied and rinsed. In the case of a "hard goiter", a surgical opening under anesthesia may be necessary. If the mucous membrane is not necrotic, the prognosis is good. Partial removal of the goiter, on the other hand, often leads to disorders in goiter motor skills . The triggering factors must be turned off as a preventive measure.


  • Karl Gabrisch, Peernel Zwart: Diseases of pets . Schlütersche, 2010, ISBN 9783842680241 , pp. 595-596.