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Krugeln is mainly in the spring after the snow has melted exerted sport which related to Boßeln is.


This sport is only played in Huttwil in Switzerland in the canton of Bern . There is also only one official club there, the Kruglerverein Immergrün Huttwil . In all other regions where the sport was previously practiced, it is now considered extinct .


This variant of Boßeln probably comes from the time of the Reisläufer in the 14th to 17th centuries. Back then, the soldiers passed the time throwing cannonballs during their long marches. It is unclear whether this is the origin of the sport or whether the soldiers only used the cannonball as a piece of equipment for a previously known sport. It is clearly understandable that the sport was more widespread in the past. In the Roggwyler Chronicle, for example, there are several people who received a penalty in 1692 because they were caught screaming loudly on Sunday at a mug.

Rules and procedure

First two teams of equal strength are formed. There are two different disciplines, troubling and throwing . When trolling , the aim is to roll the ball as far as possible. The second thrower throws at the point where the ball from the first thrower stopped and so on. The team that has covered the greater distance as soon as each thrower has thrown once wins. When throwing , the ball is thrown instead of rolled.

Play device

The ball is round and made of iron. It weighs exactly one kilogram.

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