Kuala Kubu

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Kuala Kubu (Malaysia)
Kuala Kubu
Kuala Kubu
Location in Malaysia

In Kuala Kubu in the district of Hulu Selangor in Selangor , Malaysia , there was in February 1883 a dam burst on the river Selangor , which is 25, maybe were at least several hundred deaths. The city of Kuala Kubu was destroyed and then rebuilt on a hill as Kuala Kubu Baru.

The Kuala Kubu tragedy

As a result of the tidal wave of water and mud that flooded the town in February 1883, many residents drowned or lost their houses. The victims of the flood included 26-year-old Cecil Ranking, an employee of the British administration, as Malaysia was under British colonial administration at the time. The old town was flooded with mud and most of the city's facilities were badly damaged. A Buddhist temple and a mosque survived the flood.


After the accident, the British government decided to build a new city near the remains of Kuala Kubu. The new city is called Kuala Kubu Bharu, which means New Kuala Kubu. It is the district capital of Hulu Selangor. The abandoned old city is now called Ampang Pecah (= "broken dam" or "Broken Dam"). Since the 1980s, the old town has been under construction again. There is also a memorial there to commemorate the breach of the dam.

The new dam

A few years ago, a new dam was built just below the old site, the Selangor Dam (Sungai Selangor Dam). Sungai means "river". This happened against considerable resistance from the population. The new dam is 115 m high, 800 m long, accumulates 235 million cubic meters and floods 6 km² with a catchment area of ​​197 km². It is 4 km above Kuala Kubu.


  • Old city Buddhist temple that survived the flood of 1883 and was renovated in the 1980s
  • Memorial to the Kuala Kubu Tragedy ( Tragedi Kuala Kubu )
  • The tomb of Cecil Ranking
  • The place Ampang Pecah (Broken Dam)
  • The new dam "Sungai Selangor Dam"

Literature / sources

  • Tragedi Kuala Kubu 1883 - Buku Rekod Malaysia Edisi Kedua, Ghulam Jie M Khan

Web links

Coordinates: 3 ° 34 '  N , 101 ° 39'  E