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Founding figure of the Kudur-Mabuk (1770 BC) in the form of a basket carrier, Pergamon Museum, Berlin

Kudur-Mabuk ( Akkadian Ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk ) was the father of the sons Rim-Sin I and Warad-Sin as well as the daughter En-ane-du , who according to old tradition was born in 1764 BC. Chr. Entu Priestess in Ur was. He himself was the son of Simti-Silhak . The Elamite name as the title Adda / Abu Ja-Emutbala ( father of Jamutbal ) and the self -naming as Adda KUR Martu ( father of the Amurriterland ) induce historians to make two assumptions about his origin.

According to the more recent opinion, Dietz-Otto Edzard assumes, for example , that Kudur-Mabuk's father was an Amurrite military leader who later entered the Elamite service and for this reason adopted an Elamite name without, however, denying his origins as an Amurite. In the older versions the thesis of a complete origin from an Elamite ruling house is represented.

Kudur-Mabuk installed his sons Warad-Sin and Rim-Sin I as kings in Larsa , but personally renounced the royal title there.
