Culture award of the city of Rehau

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The City of Rehau's Culture Prize has been awarded annually since 1996 by the City of Rehau .


The culture prize is awarded in five categories to people who have made special contributions to the city of Rehau:

  • Visual arts
  • literature
  • music
  • Culture
  • science

Award form

The culture prize is made of acrylic , it includes prize money of EUR 500.00 and a certificate. The award is public.

Award winners

  • 1996: Peter Angermann , artist and painter, Thurndorf (born in Rehau)
  • 1997: Eugen Gomringer , inventor of concrete poetry and head of the IKKP, Rehau
  • 1998: Wolfgang Döberlein, pianist, Rehau
  • 1999: Christian Peter Rothemund, artist and singer (born in Rehau)
  • 2000: Vera Meinel, artist, Rehau
  • 2001: Gerald Sammet, journalist, Bremen (born in Rehau)
  • 2002: Klaus Angermann , chief dramaturge at the State Opera Hanover (born in Rehau)
  • 2003: Harald Fuchs, multi-media artist, Cologne (born in Rehau)
  • 2004: Gert Böhm, writer and publisher, Rehau
  • 2005: Nora-Eugenie Gomringer , reciter and author, Bamberg (grew up in Rehau-Wurlitz)
  • 2006: Norbert Hofmann, music teacher and conductor, Rehau
  • 2007: Toni Ertl, conductor and musician, Rehau
  • 2008: no award
  • 2009: Gerti Baumgärtel
  • 2010: Gunther le Maire , painter and publicist, Immenstadt (born in Rehau)
  • 2011: Roland Lein, painter
  • 2012: Pfarrscheunenkabarett Pilgramsreuth
  • 2013: Stefanie Hofmann and Franziska Hofmann , musicians
  • 2014: Stephan Gerspitzer, musician, cabaret artist

Web links