Kupantakurunta (Arzawa)

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Kupantakurunta (also Kupanta-Kurunta , Kubanta-Kurunta ) was a king of Arzawa at the beginning of the 14th century BC. The Hittite king Arnuwanda I marched against him , together with his father-in-law Tudḫaliya I. Kupantakurunta was defeated and fled. His family, however, fell into the hands of the Hittites. Madduwatta , an unfaithful Hittite vassal , also got involved in this war . While fleeing from Arnuwanda I, Madduwatta offered Kupantakurunta his daughter so that he could join forces with him against the Hittites, but unsuccessfully.


The name of the king Kupantakurunta is written in the Hittite texts as Kupanta - d LAMMA- ya and, since the kings of Arzawa had Luwian names, it is better to read than Kupanta- (K) runtiya. The second part of the name denotes the Luwian god Runtiya , while Kurunta is the Hittite form of the name. Probably the first part of the name is also a god's name.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Ilya S. Yakubovich: Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language. Dissertation University of Chicago, Chicago 2008, p. 98 ( PDF ; print version: Ilya S. Yakubovich: Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language. Brill, Leiden 2010).