Kyriakos (anchorite)

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Kyriakos (born January 9, 449 in Corinth , † early 557 ) was an anachoret .

Around 466 Kyriakos came to Palestine , where he received the monk's robe from Euthymius the Great , but was not accepted among his monks due to his youth. As a result he became a student of Gerasimos . After his death, he returned to the Laura of Euthymius back. Because of the Origenistic disputes, he went to old Laura near Bethlehem in 486 , where he was ordained a priest. From 525 he stayed in the hermitages of Natufa (until 530), Rubba (until 535) and Susakim (until 542). Then the monks of Suka called him back to take action against Nonnos († 547) and the Origenists . He spent the last two years of his life in old old age in the cave of the Chariton, the founder of Palestinian monasticism.
