LBBW Asset Management

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LBBW Asset Management

legal form Company with limited liability
founding 1988
Seat Stuttgart , GermanyGermanyGermany 
management Managing directors:
  • Frank Hagenstein (Chairman)
  • Jürgen Zirn

Supervisory Board:

  • Christian Ricken (Chairman)
Number of employees approx. 230
Branch Investment company

The LBBW Asset Management Investment GmbH (LBBW AM) is a German investment company with headquarters in Stuttgart . It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW), the largest German Landesbank . The investment company assumes central responsibility for asset management within the LBBW Group . The company employs around 230 people and is one of the ten largest asset managers in Germany with total assets under management of around 72 billion euros (as of September 2018).

The central business areas of LBBW Asset Management include the management of special funds for institutional investors, the management of direct investment mandates for insurance companies and pension institutions, and the management of mutual funds for institutional and private investors.

Business concept

The most important business areas result from the management of special funds for institutional customers and the administration of mutual funds for institutional as well as for private investors. Customers include savings banks , banks and companies, insurance companies, pension funds and foundations . Private customers have the option of investing through mutual funds and special unit classes.

Managing directors

The management consists of the following two members:

  • Frank Hagenstein, Chairman of the Management Board
  • Jürgen Zirn, member of the management

Core competencies

According to the company, its core competencies include:

  • European equity products with primarily value-oriented investment styles
  • European interest rate products with a focus on government bonds, covered and corporate bonds
  • Investment solutions in the absolute return area
  • Capital preservation concepts
  • Innovative investment strategies in the raw materials sector
  • Sustainable investment approaches for stock and interest rate markets
  • Selected theme funds

Business areas

The business areas include, on the one hand, the business area “Private Customers” and, on the other hand, the business area “Institutional Customers”.

  • Private customers: For retail customers, there is the option of using public funds to invest as well as selected private client share classes in institutional investment strategies. Investors can choose from actively managed mutual funds in various asset classes , such as bond funds, equity funds, mixed funds or money market funds.
  • Institutional clients: Institutional investors can invest in special funds and special mutual funds.
  • Special funds: The special funds are specifically and precisely tailored to the strategic objectives and requirements of institutional investors. The special funds are characterized above all by their individuality and flexible income management as well as transparency and liquidity. In close cooperation with the investors, LBBW Asset Management realizes investments that correspond to the individual performance expectations and risk-bearing capacities of the customers. The main customers in the area of ​​special funds include utilities, insurance companies, savings banks , banks and companies as well as public institutions, asset managers, foundations , church institutions and family offices.
  • Retail funds: The institutional retail funds are characterized by professional portfolio management and the broad diversification of securities. Investors are offered institutional mutual funds with a wide variety of investment focuses and subject areas, such as pensions, raw materials, stocks, bonds, money market, foreign exchange, sustainability and absolute return.

Since 2013, the company has also offered direct portfolio management for institutional customers.


From the merger of the two fund companies Baden-Württembergische Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH (BWK) in Stuttgart and SüdKapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH (SüdKA) in Frankfurt am Main, Baden-Württembergische Investmentgesellschaft mbH (BWInvest) was created on July 1, 2006 as a joint fund company of LBBW and the Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG (W&W AG). It set up and managed mutual and special funds for private and institutional investors. Until September 2009, the shareholders of BWInvest were the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg ( 64 percent) and W&W Asset Management GmbH (36 percent).

As of September 22, 2009, BWInvest was merged with LBBW Asset Management GmbH , which is responsible for fund management and fund sales at LBBW, under the central brand LBBW Asset Management as part of the restructuring . The resulting company has since been wholly owned by Landesbank Baden-Württemberg.

Product-related milestones
  • 1973 - first advisory mandate for the public fund BW-Renta-Universal-Fonds
  • 1989 - The first special fund is launched
  • 1990 - The first public fund BWK-Württembergischer Internationaler Rentenfonds is launched
  • 1999 - Launch of a dividend strategy (LBBW Dividend Strategy Euroland) as one of the first market participants
  • 2001 - Launch of the extremely successful corporate bond fund LBBW RentaMax; First use of the value protection concept Falkon in a special fund
  • 2002 - Launch of the first sustainable special fund; first European gold fund (Aureus Fund plc) with physical gold investment
  • 2006 - Launch of the LBBW Sustainability Shares equity fund
  • 2007 - first “Climate Change Fund” (LBBW Global Warming) in Germany; first share guarantee fund under German law
  • 2008 - first commodity fund (LBBW Rohstoffe 1) under German law
  • 2009 - Launch of the public pension fund LBBW Sustainability Renten
  • 2010 - Launch of the long-short commodity mutual fund LBBW Rohstoffe 2 LS
  • 2011 - Silver fund Argentum Fund plc was launched with physical silver investments
  • 2012 - new core business area direct investment mandates for insurance companies and utilities; Launch of the first absolute return retail fund LBBW Pro-Fund Absolute Return Rates

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. LBBW repositions the Group's asset management and investment companies: "BWInvest" and "LBBW Asset Management" , press portal - database for press information, July 3, 2006