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In the mathematical field of group theory , a group is referred to as LERF ( locally extended residually finite , also: subgroup separable ) if there is a subgroup of finite index for every finitely generated subgroup and every element not lying in , which , but does not contain.

The term is particularly important in the low-dimensional topology. There the LERF property of fundamental groups is typically exploited in order to raise the image of an immersion to an embedding in a suitable finite consideration. In connection with the virtual hook conjecture proved by Ian Agol in 2012 , fundamental groups with this property are useful, because then each subgroup that is isomorphic to a surface group corresponds to a surface embedded in a finite consideration.


A group is LERF if there is a homomorphism for each finitely generated subgroup and each

from to a finite group there such that and .

An equivalent formulation is that for every finitely generated subgroup the equation

holds that for every element there is a , but not , containing subgroup of finite index .

Another equivalent formulation is that every finitely generated subgroup is closed with respect to the pro-finite topology .

Topological interpretation

The fundamental group of a CW complex is LERF if and only if:

For each overlay with finitely generated fundamental group and every finite subcomplex there is of layered finite superposition , so the figure a embedding is.




Individual evidence

  1. Lemma 1.4 in: Scott, op. Cit.
  2. ^ Marshall Hall : A topology for free groups and related groups. Ann. of Math. (2) 52, (1950). 127-139.
  3. ^ G. Peter Scott : Subgroups of surface groups are almost geometric , J. London Math. Soc. 1978, 17: 555-565; Correction: ibid. 32: 217-220 (1985)
  4. ^ Ian Agol : The virtual hook conjecture. With an appendix by Agol, Daniel Groves, and Jason Manning. Doc. Math. 18 (2013), 1045-1087.
  5. ^ Brunner, Burns, Solitar: The subgroup separability of free products of two free groups with cyclic amalgamation. Contributions to group theory, 90-115, Contemp. Math., 33, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1984.
  6. ^ Henry Wilton : Hall's theorem for limit groups. Geom. Funct. Anal. 18 (2008), no. 1, 271-303.