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LOJZO is a Slovak folk music group that emerged as a lay group in the early 1980s. The name LOJZO is the abbreviation of the Slovak Ľudový orchester jednoduchej zábavy obyvateľstva ("People's orchestra of simple entertainment for the population"). The songs are mostly about satire and recession. The most famous songs include Že mi je ľúto in collaboration with the music group Elán , as well as Zita obezita, Anča si drahá ako volvo and Toreádor Karol .

During its existence the music group has sold almost 300,000 records, and in the Slávik survey it was ranked fourth and sixth.

The founder and the head of the group was Marián Kochanský (born June 4, 1955 in Partizánske , † April 28, 2006 in Bratislava ).

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