La Borriquita (Hermandad)

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The Hermandad de La Borriquita is a brotherhood ( Hermandad ) that takes part in the Semana Santa in Seville with its procession on Palm Sunday .

General data

The common name is La Borriquita (the "little donkey"), the full name Primitiva Archicofradía Pontificia y Real Hermandad de Nazarenos de la Sagrada Entrada en Jerusalem, Santísimo Cristo del Amor, Nuestra Señora del Socorro y Santiago Apóstol . It was founded at the end of the 16th century and is located in the Centro district.

The procession

La Borriquita celebrates its procession with about 600 Nazarenos . The Túnicas are white with a Jacob's cross on their chest. From their home church, the Iglesia del Divino Salvador, the procession moves in an arc on the common route of all brotherhoods towards the cathedral. Due to restoration measures (2003-2007) of the Iglesia del Divino Salvador, the procession started from the Iglesia de la Asuncion. The processional procession is en route for a little over five hours.


La Borriquita is one of the few Hermandades that only carries one paso : Paso del Misterio : Sagrada Entrada en Jerusalém , created by various sculptors in the 17th century.


Even if La Paz is the first Hermandad to leave her church, La Borriquita is the first in the cathedral because of the shorter way and thus opens the Semana Santa for the paying public along the carrera oficial .

The name La Borriquita is derived from the donkey on which Jesus is shown riding while entering Jerusalem .

La Borriquita is closely linked to El Amor . After two brotherhoods merged in 1618, they form a single brotherhood. Until 1970 the procession was carried out together, since then there have been two processional parades. El Amor begins its procession just an hour after La Borriquita has moved in from the same church.