Abomasum intoxication of the sheep

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The braxy is a by septicum Clostridium caused acute and often fatal disease of the abomasum .

The Norwegian name Bradsot (also Braasot, Braxy) means "rapid epidemic" ( brat = "suddenly" and sot = "epidemic"). It is best known in Iceland , Norway , Scotland and the Faroe Islands , but is also found in Eastern Europe , Australia and the USA . The disease also occurs occasionally in Germany , especially in the northern and central regions. The German bradsot , on the other hand, is an inflammation of the liver caused by Clostridium gigas or Clostridium novyi .

The pathogen is the bacterium Clostridium septicum , a spore-forming, gram-positive anaerobe. The disease is not contagious, but it is often epidemic.

Losses of up to 50% can occur in the affected herds. Infection occurs through ingestion of food contaminated with spores . If there are other stressful circumstances such as the consumption of frozen food, the disease is favored. A hemorrhagic-necrotizing abomasal inflammation develops. Young sick animals die within five to twelve hours. Older animals can recover. There are vaccinations for endangered areas.

supporting documents

  1. ^ A b c Keyword “Bradsot” in: Herder-Lexikon der Biologie. Spectrum Akademischer Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg 2003. ISBN 3-8274-0354-5 .