Laboratory (unit)

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The laboratory was a Spanish-Castilian square measure in Mexico . The measure was reserved for arable land. Pastureland was calculated according to the Sitio (Sitio de Ganado Mayor), which was 5000 times 5000 Varas (25 million square Varas) in size, which corresponded to 1 legua , one mile , per side .

  • 1 square legua = 1798 ⅓ hectare, corresponds to 25 laboratories.
  • 1 laboratory = 1000 varas x 1000 varas = 1 million square varas = 70.0487 hectares = 71.93 hectares = 71.85985 hectares

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of coin, measure and weight ratios ..., Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 1221.
  2. ^ Christian Noback, Friedrich Eduard Noback: Complete paperback of coin, measure and weight ratios ..., Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 1221.
  3. Gustav Wagner, Friedrich Anton Strackerjan: Compendium of the coin, measure, weight and exchange rate relationships of all states and trading cities on earth. Teubner Publishing House, Leipzig 1855, p. 268.