Lady Pank

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Lady Pank 2007

Lady Pank is a Polish rock band that was formed in Wrocław in 1981 .


The founding members included the solo guitarist Jan Borysewicz (* 1955), who had previously worked with the Budka Suflera group, and the singer Janusz Panasewicz (* 1956). Both are still band members today. The group's history goes back to a studio project that recorded the song Mała Lady Punk (Little Punklady). The big hit meant that the as yet nameless group named itself after it. To date, Lady Pank has released over 20 CDs. There were also a number of international appearances in the USA , Great Britain , France and the former GDR .

Janusz Panasewicz, 2006

Band members


  • Lady Pank (LP1) (1983, PL: goldgold)
  • Ohyda (1984)
  • Drop Everything (1985)
  • LP3 (1986)
  • O dwóch takich, co ukradli Księżyc cz.I (1986)
  • O dwóch takich, co ukradli Księżyc cz.II (1987)
  • Tacy Sami (1989)
  • Zawsze Tam, Gdzie Ty (1990)
  • Lady Pank '81 -'85 (1992)
  • Well, well (1994, PL:platinumplatinum)
  • "Mała wojna" akustycznie (1995)
  • Ballady (1995)
  • Gold (1995)
  • THE BEST OF Lady Pank (1990)
  • Międzyzdroje (1996)
  • Zimowe graffiti (1996)
  • W transie (1997)
  • Łowcy głów (1998)
  • Koncertowa (1999)
  • Złote przeboje (2000)
  • Nasza reputacja (2000)
  • BESTA BESTA (2002)
  • The Best - "Zamki na piasku" (2004)
  • TERAZ (2004)
  • Strach się bać (2007)
  • Maraton (2011)
  • Symfonicznie (2012, PL:platinumplatinum)
  • Miłość i władza (2016)


  1. Awards for music sales: PL

Web links

Commons : Lady Pank  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files