Lay university theology

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A lay university theology is - as an unprotected term - a study program lasting several years for all interested persons, in which knowledge and methods of theology are made accessible on an elementary level. A lay university theology is currently offered at two locations ( Düsseldorf and Ludwigshafen ), each with a different structure.

The main focus of the study program is the classical subjects of theology ( Old and New Testament , church history , systematic theology ). No formal requirements such as membership in a church , denomination or knowledge of ancient languages ​​are necessary for participation. The aim of the lay university theology is to impart knowledge about the origins, history and ideas of Christianity to the participants. The lay university theology usually takes place once a month on a Saturday.

The lay university of theology in Düsseldorf

Since 1993, the lay university of theology has been offered as part of the Evangelical Adult Education Center (eeb) North Rhine. The target group are full-time and voluntary employees of the church and diakonia, but also interested people without church professional ties. In six semesters the participants gain an insight into central topics of theology. The lay university of theology in Düsseldorf comprises around 40 full-day study days, which are prepared and followed up. The study days are held by various lecturers who usually teach at universities and colleges. Various forms of learning are offered. There is no performance control. The lay university of theology concludes with a certificate from eeb Nordrhein. So far, around 250 people have completed the three-year course. Experience has shown that the demand for the courses is high. Claudia Eliass is currently the director of studies at the lay university in Düsseldorf.

The lay university of theology of the Palatinate

Since 2018, courses at the lay university theology have also been offered in the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate . This lay university is organizationally and legally independent. The courses consist of 25 study days. So far, the courses have been held in Kaiserslautern and Ludwigshafen. Unlike in Düsseldorf, a permanent team of four teachers is responsible for the entire program of the lay university. Each lecturer teaches a subject: Jochen Wagner ( University of Koblenz-Landau ) teaches the Old Testament , Paul Metzger teaches the New Testament , Gisa Bauer Church history and Kristina Dronsch systematic theology . Paul Metzger , who founded the lay university for theology of the Palatinate, is currently in charge of the study .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Evangelical Adult Education Center North Rhine , accessed on December 30, 2019
  2. Laien-Uni Pfalz , accessed on December 30, 2019