Laim pits

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Laimgruben is an abandoned settlement in the area of ​​what is today the district of the Upper Swabian town of Mindelheim .

The name can be found in old documents , for the first time in 1284, when the settlement under Ulrich von Teck still existed. In a document dated July 24, 1427, the settlement is mentioned in relation to the parish of Mindelheim. This document also documents the membership in the Mindelheim parish of St. Stephan . The location is assumed to be northeast of Mindelheim.


  • Hermann Haisch (Ed.): Landkreis Unterallgäu . Memminger Zeitung Verlagsdruckerei, Memmingen 1987, ISBN 3-9800649-2-1 , p. 1162 .