Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus

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Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus
Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus

Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus

Order : Pill Beetle (Byrrhidae)
Subfamily : Byrrhinae
Tribe : Pedilophorini
Genre : Lamprobyrrhulus
Type : Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus
Scientific name
Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus
( Schaller , 1783)
Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus

Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus is a beetle from the family of pill beetle (Byrrhidae).

Characteristics of the beetle

The short-oval beetles have a body length of 3.5 mm. The top of the beetle has a metallic greenish shimmer, less often blue-green or bronze-colored, the underside is dark brown or black. The top and bottom are sparsely hairy with short, lying hair, they are dense and finely dotted. The wing covers have no longitudinal stripes. The legs are colored red-brown. The thighs and rails of the legs are flattened wide, they can be placed tightly on the underside, so that the entire beetle has an armored protective form. In the species, the front rails are furrowed so that the front tarsi can be inserted into them. The middle rails can be inserted into a pit in the rear chest.


The beetle species occurs in Europe in France and Italy as well as in Central and Northeastern Europe (Poland, Baltic States ). Information for Finland also turned out to be erroneous. To the east it is widespread as far as the Russian Far East (Siberia).

Way of life

The beetle species prefers dry habitats, especially those with sandy soils. The beetles can be seen between mid-March and mid-June. They are typically found on moss , mostly on forest paths at all altitudes. Moss is the host and food plant of the beetle. The beetle larvae develop in the soil and feed on the rhizoids of the moss plants.


The species was first described by Schaller as Byrrhus nitidus . The following additional synonyms can be found in the literature : Byrrhus aeneus Olivier , 1790, Byrrhus niger Kugelann , 1792, Byrrhus nitens Panzer , 1795, Byrrhus punctatus Germar , 1817.

The genus Lamprobyrrhulus Ganglbauer , 1902 includes only two species, of which L. nitidus is the type species. The second species, Lamprobyrrhulus hayashii Fiori , is found exclusively in Japan in 1967. It is assigned to a subfamily Pedilophorinae (sometimes also understood as the Pedilophorini tribe ), in which all species with a metallic top are summarized. Their monophyly is highly controversial.

Individual evidence

  1. Arved Lompe: Beetles of Europe - Byrrhidae . www.coleo-net. Retrieved April 12, 2018.
  2. ^ Hannes F. Paulus : 47. Family Byrrhidae. In Heinz Freude, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse (editor): The beetles of Central Europe. Volume 6, Diversicornia. Goecke and Evers Verlag, Krefeld 1979. ISBN 3 87263 027 X
  3. Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus at Fauna Europaea
  4. a b Klaus Koch: Die Käfer Mitteleuropas - Ökologie - Volume 2 , Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld, 1989, ISBN 3-87263-040-7 , p. 135
  5. Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus (Schaller, 1783) . Retrieved April 12, 2018.
  6. ^ I. Löbl & A. Smetana: Catalog of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3 Scarabaeoidea, Scirtoidea, Dascylloidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea. Apollo, Stenstrup, 2006.
  7. Andreas Pütz (2003): On the distribution and taxonomy of the pill beetles in Japan (Col., Byrrhidae) (23rd contribution to the knowledge of the Byrrhidae family). Entomological News and Reports 47: 91-102.

Web links

Commons : Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus  - collection of images, videos and audio files