Landscape protection area Obermöhne- / Almewald and Almer Quellgrund

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The nature reserve Obermöhne- / Almewald and Almer Quellgrund with 3,042.88 hectares is located north and northwest of Brilon . The area was designated as a landscape protection area (LSG) by the district council of the Hochsauerlandkreis in 2008 with the landscape plan of the Brilon plateau . The area of ​​the LSG west of the federal highway 516 belongs to the Arnsberg Forest Nature Park .

The LSG Obermöhne- / Almewald and Almer Quellgrund was designated as one of four type A landscape protection areas (general landscape protection) in the Brilon urban area. In the urban area there are also 22 landscape protection areas of type B, outskirts, landscape character and 53 landscape protection areas of type C (meadow valleys and significant extensive grassland) with different requirements.


The nature reserve Obermöhne- / Almewald and Almer Quellgrund are mostly forests with spruce and beech. The LSG is almost free of settlements and only a few roads such as Bundesstrasse 480 , Bundesstrasse 516 and K 57 cut through the area. The open land is mostly used as grassland.

In the forest areas, numerous spring areas and sieves are designated as legally protected biotopes. In the LSG there are cultural-historical relics of mining activities and also ravines .

Protection purpose

The LSG was designed to preserve the uniqueness and beauty of the landscape with a high proportion of forests; To secure the efficiency of the ecosystem against interventions and small structures that are interesting in terms of culture and history; to supplement the areas of the natural area that are more strictly protected by designation as a nature reserve as buffer areas.

Legal regulations

In the LSG, among other things, the erection of buildings is prohibited. Initial afforestation and the new planting of Christmas tree cultures, ornamental twigs and tree nursery cultures are subject to official approval from the Lower Nature Conservation Authority .

See also


Coordinates: 51 ° 26 ′ 40.8 "  N , 8 ° 33 ′ 53.4"  E