Landscape protection area Talwiesen around Röhrenspring

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The nature reserve Talwiesen around Röhrenspring with an area of ​​8.4  hectares is located around the hamlet Röhrenspring or to the east of it in the urban area of Sundern and in the Hochsauerlandkreis . The area was first designated as a landscape protection area (LSG) with an area of ​​1.25 ha in 1993 with the Sundern landscape plan by the district council of the Hochsauerlandkreis under the name Talwiese landscape protection area northeast of Röhrenspring . When the Sundern landscape plan was reorganized, the LSG was given a new name and was significantly enlarged. The LSG was designated as a type C landscape protection area , meadow valleys and significant extensive grassland. The LSG borders directly on the settlement area. It consists of three sub-areas. The LSG is part of the Sauerland-Rothaargebirge nature park .


The LSG includes grassland areas with tubes .

Protection purpose

The designation was made to secure and maintain the natural suitability for recreation and the efficiency of the natural balance against the diverse civilizational demands on nature and landscape. The LSG serves to supplement or buffer zone function of the more strictly protected parts of this planning area by protecting their surroundings from influences that could reduce the outstanding value of these nature reserves and protected objects and ensuring the coherence and implementation of the European nature reserve system Natura 2000 .

Legal regulations

As in the other type C landscape protection areas in the urban area, the LSG prohibits the construction of structures. Construction projects for horticulture, agriculture and forestry are exempt from the ban. The Lower Nature Conservation Authority can issue exceptional permits for buildings of all kinds. As in the other type B landscape protection areas in Sundern, the LSG prohibits first afforestation and the creation of Christmas trees , ornamental branches and tree nursery cultures . Grassland and fallow grassland may not be converted into arable land or other uses.

Areas of the eastern sub-area that have fallen fallow, for example, are to be kept open as part of the HSK's cultural landscape maintenance program and coniferous wood areas are to be converted into extensive grassland.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority (ed.): Landscape plan Sundern , Meschede 1993, p. 89.
  2. Landscape plan Sundern - reorganization, p. 167. (PDF) Retrieved on May 14, 2019 .

Coordinates: 51 ° 14 '44.1 "  N , 8 ° 2' 50.9"  E