Tube (river)

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Water code DE : 27618
location Germany
River system Rhine
Drain over Ruhr  → Rhine  → North Sea
source at tube spring
51 ° 14 ′ 29 ″  N , 8 ° 2 ′ 31 ″  E
Source height 593  m above sea level NHN
muzzle at Hüsten in the Ruhr Coordinates: 51 ° 26 ′ 4 ″  N , 7 ° 59 ′ 27 ″  E 51 ° 26 ′ 4 ″  N , 7 ° 59 ′ 27 ″  E
Mouth height 160  m above sea level NHN
Height difference 433 m
Bottom slope 15 ‰
length 28.9 km
Catchment area 203.427 km²
Discharge at the gauge Endorf1
A Eo : 26.1 km²
Location: 19.3 km above the mouth
NNQ (06.10.2001)
MNQ 1961/2010
MQ 1961/2010
Mq 1961/2010
MHQ 1961/2010
HHQ (31.12.1986)
0 l / s
25 l / s
220 l / s
8.4 l / (s km²)
4.38 m³ / s
9.73 m³ / s
Discharge at the Müschede
A Eo gauge : 195 km²
Location: 3.31 km above the mouth
MNQ 1985/2015
MQ 1985/2015
Mq 1985/2015
MHQ 1985/2015
846 l / s
3.42 m³ / s
17.5 l / (s km²)
24.8 m³ / s
Röhr in coughs

Röhr in coughs

Confluence of the renatured tube into the Ruhr

Confluence of the renatured tube into the Ruhr

The Röhr is a 28.9 km long left tributary of the Ruhr in the North Rhine-Westphalian Sauerland ( Germany ).



The Röhr rises on the southern outskirts of Röhrenspring , a district of Sundern , at an altitude of 597  m above sea level. NHN . From here it flows primarily in a northerly direction. On its way it flows through the already mentioned Röhrenspring, Sundern, Hachen , Müschede and ends at Hüsten at 161  m above sea level. NHN on the left into the Ruhr.

On the 28.9 km long path of the Röhr there is a difference in altitude of 436 m, which corresponds to a mean bed gradient of 15.1 ‰. The most important tributary is the Sorpe with the Sorpe dam . At the Endorfer Mühle , water from the pipe can be cut off into the Sorpe dam via a tunnel system (Settmecke tunnel 7.2 km).

Catchment area

The 203.43 km² catchment area of ​​the Röhr is drained into the North Sea via the Ruhr and Rhine .

The catchment area has the following usage structure:

  • 6.3% - settlement and traffic areas
  • 0.3% - industrial and commercial land
  • 1.6% - water areas
  • 59.4% - forest areas
  • 32.4% - agricultural land


The most important tributary of the Röhr is the 18.6 km long Sorpe . With a catchment area of ​​57.203 km², it has a 28% share of that of the Röhr. Another notable tributary is the 14.3 km long Linnepe with a 40.842 km² catchment area.

In the following, the tributaries of the Rohr are named in the order from the source to the mouth. The orographic location, the mouth position with indication of the stationing kilometer, the length, the size of the catchment area, the mouth height and the river code number are given (note: a space has been inserted for better sortability).


location Stat.
in km
in km
in km²
Mouth height
in m above sea level NHN
Rackenbach right 22.2 2.9 2,393 342 27618 12
Waldbach Left 20.0 8.1 15.238 301 27618 2
Bönkhausen brook Left 18.2 5.8 7.132 274 27618 32
Settmecke Left 15.5 9.9 18,994 247 27618 4
Linnepe right 15.6 14.3 40.842 245 27618 6
Schwemke right 13.8 1.4 242 27618 712
Locksiepen Left 13.4 1.5 234 27618 714
Flamecke right 12.4 4.1 4.149 232 27618 72
Hessenberger Siepen right 11.3 2.9 3.756 222 27618 74
Selmecke Left 10.9 3.3 2.054 219 27618 76
Enkhauser Bach Left 8.9 4.2 5.134 216 27618 92
Sorpe Left 9.4 18.6 57.203 209 27618 8
Generopke right 8.4 1.9 203 27618 932
Molle right 8.2 1.7 202 27618 9332
Asbeck Bach Left 8.1 2.7 201 27618 934
Lamke right 7.4 1.8 199 27618 936
Tönnessiepen right 6.4 1.7 192 27618 938
Wennigloher Bach right 5.2 2.2 2.623 187 27618 94
Habbel Bach Left 1.9 3.9 3,668 169 27618 96

nature and environment

Condition of the tube

For the management plan for the Water Framework Directive of the EU and the Rohr on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia (MUNLV) was investigated. The various aspects of the tube were evaluated. The investigation was divided into two areas. One sub-area went from the source to the Sundern location and the other sub-area from the Sundern location to the confluence with the Ruhr. The tube in its entirety was classified as natural despite building structures in the local areas. The general degradation was rated as moderate up to Sundern and as good from Sundern. The saprobia on the whole river is classified as good. In the case of macrozoobenthos (small organisms living on the water floor) up to Sundern as moderate and from locality Sundern as good. The fish fauna of the tube was not examined. The migratory fish and the patency for migratory fish were classified as poor, whereby only the area from Sundern was rated. For macrophytes (aquatic plants visible to the naked eye that live under and on the surface of the water, including chandelier algae , mosses and ferns and seed plants such as spawning herbs) up to Sundern as very good and from Sundern as bad. In Phytobenthos (living on the sea bed plants, mainly algae) as standard from Sundern above was made by the Sundern no classification. With regard to the pollution of the tube with nitrate , metals and other substances that may pollute the water, it was classified as probably good, good to very good. From Sundern onwards, only non-priority metals were classified as bad. Because of the construction in the localities, the ecological condition and the potential for improvement up to Sundern were only classified as moderate and from Sundern even poor. The chemical condition of the tube was rated as good along the entire course of the river. In the area where it flows into the Ruhr near Hüsten , a new river bed was created on March 13, 2014, and in particular the course was renatured with a loop .

Protected areas

Large parts of the lower reaches of the Röhr in the city of Arnsberg have been designated as a nature reserve and at the same time as an FFH area . In the current revision of the Sundern landscape plan, parts of the river course in the Sundern urban area are also being placed under protection.


Have been at the Rohr kingfisher , dipper , gray wagtail , mallard and tufted detected as breeding birds. Gray herons , black storks and rarely also the cormorants feed on them. The muskrat and, in the Sundern area, the brown rat occur at the Röhr .

Importance as a traffic route

Almost the entire length of the Röhr valley is accessed by roads. In the upper reaches, the Röhr is accompanied by Kreisstraße 24 until it joins Landesstraße 519. This leads along the river via Sundern to Hachen, where it in turn joins the federal road 229 . The latter accompanies the tube up to the mouth in Hüsten.

From Sundern downstream, the valley is also used by the Neheim-Hüsten – Sundern railway line ( Röhrtalbahn ).


  • Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MUNLV): Profiles of the planning units in the North Rhine-Westphalian parts of the Rhine, Weser, Ems and Maas - surface waters and groundwater sub-catchment area Rhine / Ruhr MUNLV, Düsseldorf 2010, without ISBN.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c German basic map 1: 5000
  2. a b c d e f g Topographical Information Management, Cologne District Government, Department GEObasis NRW ( information )
  3. German hydrological yearbook Ruhr / Endorf1 2010 (PDF, 14.4 kB)
  4. ^ Müschede gauge: master data
  5. Müschede gauge: flow
  6. ^ Röhr , Ruhrverband
  7. Evaluation of the ecological status according to Perlodes , the Federal Environment Agency and the federal / state working group on water
  8. Concept planning for Röhr, Settmecke and Linnepe in the inner city area of ​​Sundern , civil engineering department of the city of Sunder