Agricultural area

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The agriculturally used area (UAA) is a unit of agricultural area that is used in statistics and administration, especially for production indicators such as yields . It is often given in hectares (ha).

It includes arable land , permanent crop areas and permanent pasture areas . The arable land also includes temporary pasture areas, market and vegetable gardens and temporary fallow land . Ornamental shrubs, fruit and walnut trees and vineyards are counted as permanent cultivation areas, but not timber . Permanent pasture areas include areas that have served as a source of fodder for at least five years.

A distinction must be made between the agriculturally used area and the agriculturally usable area (LN), which also includes the areas not in agricultural production. The UAA of an agricultural holding is therefore usually smaller than the UAA.

The agriculturally used area in Germany is approx. 16,650,000 ha (as of 2010) and has been declining slightly for years. The share of the agricultural area in the land area of Germany is 48.0% (status: 2011). The agriculturally used area of ​​the European Union is 187,881,650 ha (as of 2011).

Individual evidence

  1. Explanation of terms on international statistics. Federal Statistical Office , accessed on August 6, 2014 .
  2. Agriculture - Explanations. State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg , archived from the original on July 28, 2014 ; accessed on September 2, 2019 .
  3. ^ Statistical yearbook on nutrition, agriculture and forestry. (PDF) Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection , 2012, p. 2 , accessed on August 6, 2014 .
  4. Basic table. agricultural area. Federal Statistical Office , accessed on August 6, 2014 .
  5. ^ Country - European Union - Agricultural area. Food and Agriculture Organization , accessed August 6, 2014 .