Load limit grid

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Load limit grid
Addresses of an Italian flat car of the type Rgmms
Load limit grid and additional grid for Germany, Austria and France

The load limit grid (AVV symbol for load limits , also ABC grid ) is one of the labels on freight wagons . It shows the size of the maximum permissible cargo weight depending on the route class .


The number at the intersection of route class (columns) and speed (rows) shows the maximum permissible mass of the load in tons. The characters and numbers in front of a line have the following meaning:

no information
Top speed 80 km / h
Top speed 90 km / h
Top speed 100 km / h
Top speed 120 km / h
other number
Top speed in km / h

In front of this information, the abbreviations of railway undertakings can appear in a further column if the information only applies to them.

If in the load limit grid there is a 120 instead of SS (this is only permitted in conjunction with a 00.0 specification), then the wagon may travel empty without restrictions at 120 km / h (only empty, otherwise ** or *** are also required) .

Trailing stars mean that the wagons are technically suitable for higher speeds (see below), but that the braking equipment of the wagon does not comply with the regulations for this (higher) speed:

100 km / h is technically possible, but not designed for S-traffic in terms of braking
120 km / h possible, but not designed for SS traffic in terms of braking
120 km / h is possible, but not designed for SS traffic in terms of braking, these wagons must be equipped with automatic load braking (will be attached to wagons put into operation after January 1st, 2007 if they are suitable)

Today, the address is standardized in the General Contract for the Use of Freight Cars (AVV) in Appendix 11, Chapter 2.4 "Signs for load limits".


The load limit grid was only relevant on lines of the railways that were contracting states to the RIV and are now part of the AVV . With regard to loading , the route with the lowest route class is decisive for the entire route of the wagon, from the dispatch station to the receiving station .

See also


  • ABC grid . In: Hans-Joachim Kirsche: Lexicon of the Railway. 5th edition. Transpress, Berlin 1978, OCLC 722015823 , p. 11.
  • Load limits . In: Walter Linden (Ed.): Dr. Gabler's traffic lexicon. Gabler, Wiesbaden 1966. Reprint: Springer, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-322-98203-2 , Sp. 904–905 ( limited preview in the Google book search).

Individual evidence

  1. AVV Annex 11, Section 2.4
  2. Appendix 11 to the General Contract of Use for Wagons. (PDF; 2.42 MiB) Inscriptions and Signs on Wagons. GCU Bureau sprl, December 21, 2014, p. 12 (Chapter 2.4) , accessed on February 22, 2015 (English).