Running letters

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For the demand for the whereabouts of mail , there are special forms.

Running letters

At the request of the sender or the recipient, a request to investigate a missing item of mail can be made. For normal letter mail without cash on delivery , the investigation is carried out on the basis of a questionnaire, for the other mail items on the basis of a letter of inquiry.

The search for a normal letter extends to the post office of delivery and the post office of destination , and in the case of large letters to the respective return letter offices . If the losses accumulate, as well as letters with money or valuable content, if the questionnaire is unsuccessful, a letter of inquiry is issued and sent to all post offices via the presumed route. In the case of registered and valuables items , a declaration of non-receipt is obtained from the recipient and, if necessary, the replacement procedure is initiated.

For Nachfragschreiben via money orders and payment cards is Postscheckamt responsible.

If the Post is not at fault, an investigation fee will be charged to the applicant.


  • Handheld dictionary of postal services
    • 1st edition: letter (slip); see: "Questionnaire and letter"; Pp. 237-238
    • 2nd edition: letter, see: "Inquiries about the whereabouts of mail"; Pp. 442-443

See also