Laurent Manivel

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Laurent Manivel (born October 17, 1965 in Lyon ) is a French mathematician who deals with complex algebraic geometry, homogeneous spaces and representation theory.

Manivel studied from 1984 at the École normal supérieure with the completion of the Agrégation 1987 and was from 1989 as Chargé de Recherches of the CNRS at the Institut Fourier of the University of Grenoble . In 1992 he received his doctorate under Jean-Pierre Demailly (Thèse de 3ème cycle, Théorèmes d'annulation pour la cohomologie des fibrés vectoriels amples ) and in 1995 he completed his habilitation. In 2001 he became director of research at the CNRS.

In 1999 he received the Prix ​​Jacques Herbrand of the Académie des Sciences for work on the cohomology of fiber spaces and the geometry of projective spaces.

He is co-editor of the Annales de l´Institut Fourier.


  • Symmetric Functions, Schubert Polynomials, and Degeneracy Loci, American Mathematical Society 2001
  • Vanishing theorems for ample vector bundles, Inventiones Math. 127 (1997), 401-416.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathematics Genealogy Project