
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a web portal for creating your own radio programs and is offered by Laut AG, which also operates the online music magazine It was founded on June 10, 2005 as an online radio . Internet users can use it to create their own radio program.


“User Generated Radio”, as the operators of the Internet portal call their concept, makes streaming technology usable for private, non-commercial broadcasters, which can otherwise be rather difficult due to the high GEMA or GVL fees. Laut AG bears the fees incurred, and in return reserves the right to place advertising on the users' stations.

The range of radio stations licensed by covers a large number of music styles. There are also other formats such as the radio station Hoerspiel , which broadcasts a selection of different audio books and radio plays, or the station literatur-musik broadcasts interviews with authors, or Seasalt radio , which broadcasts under the slogan “Take a deep breath and relax “broadcasts the sound of the sea 24 hours a day.


At IFA 2008, this concept received the “Digital Lifestyle Award” from the computer magazines Chip and Tomorrow . The initiative Germany - Land of Ideas, under the patronage of Federal President Horst Köhler, has named it "Selected Location" for May 15, 2009 according

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