Lea Nikel

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Lea Nikel

Lea Nikel (born December 6, 1918 in Zhytomyr , Ukraine ; † September 24, 2005 in Moshav Kidron , Israel ) was one of the most famous abstract painters in Israel.


Lea Nikel came to Israel in 1920 and grew up in Tel Aviv. She studied with Haim Gliksberg (1904–1970) in 1935 , and with Avigdor Stematsky (1908–1989) and Yehezkel Streichman (1906–1993) in 1946/47 . From 1950 to 1961 she lived and worked in Paris, then in New York, Central Africa and Rome. She only returned to Tel Aviv in 1977.

Lea Nikel is nicknamed "Queen of abstract painting" and "Queen of color and composition" in the Israeli art scene. She was considered a brilliant abstract expressionist; her work is characterized by precise colors, energy and composition. Works by Lea Nikel can be found in all renowned art institutions around the world, including the Tate Gallery in London.

She lived and worked at the Moshav Kidron until her death. Lea Nikel leaves behind her husband Sam Lehman.

Prizes and awards

  • 1968 The National Council of Culture and Art Prize, Ministry of Culture and Education, Jerusalem
  • 1972 Sandberg Prize for Israeli Art, Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  • 1982 Dizengoff Prize
  • 1987 Gamzou Prize
  • 1995 Israel Prize together with Menachem Kadishman.
  • 1995 Sandberg Prize of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Important exhibitions

  • 1964 32nd Venice Biennale
  • 1992 Expo in Sicily
  • 1995 Johannesburg Biennale
  • 1995 Large retrospective in Tel Aviv

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