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According to the Greenland saga , Leifsbudir (or Leifsbuðir ) is the name of the settlement that Leif Eriksson probably founded in Vinland in 1000 or 1001 . It would therefore be the first European settlement in North America.

Later, 160 grænlendingar - including 16 women - are said to have settled in the same place under Thorfinn Karlsefni's leadership . The Normans lived in harmony with the local " Skraelingians ". Later, however, conflicts arose and the settlers had to give up Leifsbudir and return to Greenland .

Leifsbudir possibly corresponds to today's L'Anse aux Meadows on Newfoundland , which would be the same as the - Promontorium Winlandiae - on the Skálholt map .
